Ask the Utaites: Thanks for 10k!

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Mikoto: We've reached 10k in this book! Thanks for everyone who has been reading this book so actively until now! For 10k, I wanted to do something a bit different I guess ww You guys can read this story and try to find all of the song references I used in this chapter~ There are seven in total (at least seven that I put in intentionally~ ww) so let's see if you can find all of them in the end~ Anyways, here we go!


Mafumafu: *running towards Soraru* Soraru-san! Soraru-san!

Soraru: Oi, calm down... What is it, Mafu?

Mafumafu: *trying to catch his breath before talking* This book finally reached 10k!

Soraru: Ah... that's great?

Mafumafu: *pouts* Can't you be a little bit more enthusiastic?

Soraru: Fine... *in the same monotonous was as always* Ah, that's so great! I'm so happy that we've reached those 10k!

Mafumafu: So-ra-ru-san! *puffs out his cheeks*

Soraru: Sorry. Anyways, if you want to celebrate the 10k, we should call everyone and just sing a song together as a celebration or something like that. We are Utaites after all.

Mafumafu: Eh? Um... how about doing something else instead! Like doing a livestream with everyone or something like that?

Soraru: ...Something's wrong. You'd usually be really enthusiastic when you hear a suggestion like singing with everyone.

Mafumafu: Ehehe~ You got me~ As expected of Soraru-san! You are really good at deducing things!

Soraru: No changing the topic—

Mafumafu: Eternal Force Blizzard!

Soraru: ...

Mafumafu: Fufufu~ My powers have weakened you this much, haven't they? I know that I'm—

Soraru: *slams his hand against the wall with an annoyed face, trapping Mafumafu* Oi. Stop trying to change the topic and tell me what's going on.

Mafumafu: F-fine... The truth is... I caught a cold so I can't sing!

Soraru: Hah? Don't give me that—

*door is being slammed open as someone comes in*

Amatsuki: Hello~ I've heard that we've reached 10k and... *sees Soraru kabedoning Mafumafu* A-am I interrupting something?

Soraru: *pulls away and walks towards the brunette, grabbing his arms* You... forget what you saw.

Amatsuki: Eh~ I don't know if I'll ever be able to forget about it~ But I could promise to not speak about it in front of you~ Under one condition~

Soraru: ...And that would be?

Amatsuki: Hmm... Let me think about it. Ah! I've got something~ You always act so annoyed and cold so... how about changing that for today?

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