Danganronpa Part 6 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
I am writing this au so frequently that I think I can even finish this before this school year ends if this goes on www Anyways, I hope you guys are still here and are willing to continue reading despite me making these chapters so long that you don't feel like reading them www Also thanks Mai-san for helping me with the cause of death idea www Again no proofreading ww


A few more weeks have passed ever since the last motive and Mafumafu felt like his hopes would have been long gone if not for Soraru and Sou doing their best to research with him to find a way to end this killing game or to find any clues.

They have searched around the whole school, Soraru always going into the room first to see if it was dangerous in there before Sou and Mafumafu would come in to search for some clues.

But it was like god was laughing at them as they haven't found any single clue despite searching for such a long time.

"I'm tired... can we take a break or something?", Soraru asked after their fifth hour of researching today. Mafumafu only nodded as Sou hummed in agreement.

"How about we stop for today? We have searched for a long time already anyway!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the other two agreed.

"Okay, then let's go over to Sou-kun's dorm to hang out!", Mafumafu exclaimed as they nodded and followed the albino to the blond male's dorm. On the way there, they saw some other students walking around.

Shima and Senra were having a date. Luz was surprisingly being followed by Nqrse who clung to him as they couldn't help but smile that the pink-haired male has found someone he could trust enough to spend time with him.

Sakata was following around Urata who was trying to escape from the redhead.

Amatsuki and Kashitaro were also hanging out with each other and Neru was walking around searching for Soraru as, for today, Soraru managed to get away from the brown-haired male without having to talk to him.

Mafumafu and Sou laughed in amusement when they saw Soraru sighing out in relief as soon as they arrived in the blond male's room.

"You really seem to want to avoid, Neru-san.", Sou said as Soraru hummed. "Well, I can't keep up with his attitude and jokes. They're too much for me...", Soraru explained as he ruffled his hair while Mafumafu and Sou only laughed at that.

They were talking about things, having fun with each other as they were telling each other about what they've experienced in life.

They learned more about each other, even a bit about Soraru who decided to entrust Sou about the fact that he did indeed have a talent but only forget about it. Sou was surprised but didn't blame the older male for lying as he accepted it and wanted to help as well.

They made some joking guesses on what he could be from what he told them like the Ultimate Big brother. The Ultimate Mixing Master. The Ultimate Ikemen and such as Soraru only rolled his eyes at that. Talking to each other. Making jokes. Teasing each other. For just some hours, they could feel like they had a normal life again.

But even then, that happiness would only stay temporarily. "Everyone~ Please assemble in the gym! I have a new motive for you~", Monokuma said as the mood immediately sunk as the heaviness of anxiety got to them.

"A-another motive?", Sou asked scared as he trembled slightly as the albino patted his back in an attempt to calm him down.

"For now... I think it's best to go there before that bear personally comes for us.", Soraru said grimly as the other two hummed in agreement before following him to the gym. When they arrived, the others were already there as everyone was in the same bad mood as them.

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