Let's move forward together (Mafumafu)

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"Life may be difficult at some times... but I want you guys to not give up. Those words may do nothing to you coming from me. But I hope you guys never give up nethertheless. Because someday, everything will be alright. As long as we do our best now."

My life is insignificant.

You may know me now. You may remember me now. You may say that what I say is not true. But one day, my life will end. And so, my story will end as well.

People may grieve. They may be sad. But they will get over it.

The feeling of being useless. Of not being able to do anything.

That feeling is all too familiar to me. Wishing to be able to help but not being able to. Wishing to achieve something in life but thinking that it's impossible. Wallowing in that sadness and doubt, even I wish to just end this pain sometimes.

And yet here I am.

Being alive. Writing this. Why am I alive if there are so many negative aspects?

Even I ask myself that sometimes. After all, life is unfair and painful. But even so, I am standing here... living.

And I don't feel any regret doing that.

You might be wondering why I am even saying all of this. That is because I know that there are many people out there who have it very hard.

Even far more worse than me. Obviously. Compared to their life, mine is nice and alright. So to the people who find this and are reading this, I want to say that even if everything is painful at the moment...

Even if life is unfair, hard, difficult and sad. Please, continue on with life. Some people may think that there is no one out there who believes in them or cares about them.

But I think that there is at least one person out there who cares about you. Even if you might think that there is no one. Even if you strongly believe so.

I think that there is at least one person who does believe in you and would miss you if you were gone. So even if everything hurts right now and you just want to disappear... please be strong and do your best to continue on living.

Because even if you are walking a path full of darkness and confusion right now, someday you'll finally reach the light.

That's what I believe in.

Maybe, it's raining right now for you. Maybe your doubt is clouding your mind. But someday... someday, the rain will stop. And after the rain, there will always be the sun waiting to shine upon you.

So let's all move forward together, alright?

The rain might stay for now. It won't go away right away. It could stay until today... tomorrow or even longer than that. But even so, let's all walk down the path of life.

So that someday, we can see the rainbow together.

— Mafumafu

Oof, didn't expect that, did you? www Well, I hope it wasn't anything too bad because it's not really a story ww This is supposed to be a letter from Mafumafu to everyone~ I don't expect much but I hope for everyone who doesn't feel happy or is being too hard on themselves that... they feel at least slightly happier now. If you guys feel so then that's enough for me ww

Anyways! Enough about this ww Let's talk about something more cheerful~ I can see that many people liked the No game no life AU~ And like I probably told you lots of times, it was supposed to be a oneshot www But seeing you guys like this... it gives me enough motivation to make a second part. So I now tell you that there is going to be a second part for sure~!

Before I will do that, I'll do a Urasaka oneshot though www Like Urasaka's side of my oneshot "He's mine" So I hope you'll still read that and that you'll like it~ Well, that's everything for today! I hope you liked this! Sayonyara~!

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