Fragile (SoraLuz)

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Requested by: @Tech_Blue_
Pairing: Doctor!Soraru x Patient!Luz
Genre: Slight Angst, Fluff
Hospital AU

"Hello, Luz. My name is Soraru. Osora-sensei is occupied at the moment so I will be the one examining you today.", a raven-haired male introduced himself as he held his hand out to greet the other male.

That was the first time they've met in their life. Soraru had been assigned to take care of Luz today because his father had something urgent to do and told him Soraru should take care of his patient today because he was already capable enough of doing so being a genius when it came to medicine. Luz has been in the hospital since he was a child and Soraru was the son of the head doctor here.

And because the head doctor was very fond of Luz, he decided that it was a good opportunity to introduce him to Soraru because they were about the same age which would be a good change for Luz who hadn't been around any people his age that often.

The first time Luz met Soraru, his heart pounded like crazy as he looked at the young prodigy in front of him. And that's when he knew that the man standing in front of him was his first love.

"U-um! I love you! Will you go out with me?!", Luz asked as he took Soraru's hand and looked at the other male who only looked at him like he was an complete idiot.

"....Hah? Are you stupid?", Soraru asked in disbelief and only sighed as he hit Luz's head with his board. Luz pouted as he held his head in slight pain. "How mean~ Even though I'm a patient here...", Luz mumbled as the older male only sighed again as he pushed up his glasses.

"And I'm just a doctor here. I'm not here for your crappy love life.", Soraru countered. "C-crappy love life?!", Luz repeated as the door opened and an older raven-haired male walked in looking like he was in his fifties. He laughed amused when he saw his son chatting so lively with Luz.

"Looks like you guys are getting along.", he said amused as the other two males turned to him. "Yes, we are!/No, we're not!", they both shouted out at the same time. One in annoyance while the other shouted out in excitement.

The head doctor only looked at the light-haired male as he smiled at him. "That's good then. Soraru will be in charge of you from today on out then.", he said as Luz's face literally brighetend up. "Huh?! Why am I in charge of him now?", Soraru asked as his father merely smiled at him.

"Well, you were the one that said that you were ready to interact with actual patients now. And since Luz hasn't seen anyone in his age for a while it might be nice for him as well. It will be killing two birds with one stone!", his father exclaimed as he got hit by the board Soraru had.

"Oi, don't say it like that... and you call yourself a doctor...", Soraru muttered annoyed but he nodded. "But I guess you're right...", Soraru agreed as both Osora and Luz smiled expectantly. Looks like I'll be in charge of you from now on. I hope we'll get along... I guess?", Soraru said as Luz flashed him a happy smile.

"Yes! I hope we'll get along as well, Soraru-san!"


"Welcome back, Soraru-san! Can we go outside for a bit today?", Luz asked as the older male only sighed and pulled a chair to the bed as he sat down next to the light-haired male. This was the way Luz greeted him every time so he grew accustomed to it as he just went along with it. "I'm back... And no, we can't go outside. You know we can't do that in your current situation, Luz...

Your health is too unstable at the moment. You'll have to wait until your condition is getting better before going out again.", Soraru told him as he looked at his papers and quickly wrote some notes down before he was ready to start the daily examination. "Soraru-san... you say that but... when will my condition actually improve?", Luz asked as Soraru stopped writing temporarily.

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