C~8: Brighter Than A Shooting Star

Start from the beginning

There's a soft applaud from the class and Mr. Hill puts a hand on my shoulder "Beautiful job! Jasper, Evangeline. A."

Some students groan at the easy A for us and I smile my thanks heading back to my seat. Jasper smiles at me as I hand him the paper "An A, now we are all set."

"We?" I ask. Jasper nods "All of my siblings are heading to Prom tonight."

A room full of large people vs four vampires, I smile knowing I won't have to be alone anymore and excited for a grand evening.


"Okay we're ready!" shouts Jacob from outside. He wore somewhat a sharp outfit, I take a breath and open the door doing a twirl and walking out. My dress was a royal blue, I wore a black jean jacket, converse, and Emily lent me a star clip for my hair.

Billy put a hand over his mouth while Emily came up and hugged me tight "Oh you look so beautiful your first prom!"

I laugh and Jacob picks up my guitar case for me. I nod my thanks and turn to Billy who still hasn't spoken "Dad are you okay?" asks Jacob, Billy seemed to wipe a tear and nod "Don't worry about me...Eve, you look beautiful."

I smile and had to admit that I might start crying, even when I ran away this family never gave up on me. I take Billy's hand deciding to give him this win "Thank you for everything...dad."

With those words, Jacob takes my hand and we both get into the truck. The inn was a beautiful Monte Carlo style. Gaming tables and roulette wheels. Guys in tuxes and girls in gowns gamble for prizes, dance, and socialize.

Jacob and I get out, he hugs me and says he's going to say hi to Bella before heading to the closed dance hall. I nod and head over to the dance hall which teachers let me into. Heading in Hayden and Peter were already set up.

Hayden helps me on stage and smiles "You ready to show the school some real music."

"You know it."

Peter laughs and bangs the drums getting our attention "Hey Idiots! We need a name!"

The three of us laugh and begin to think, but that's cut short when the teachers open the doors. Peter takes his place on the drum and Hayden slings his bass around him making sure he was close to the piano. I plug in my guitar and we stand ready as our fellow students begin to pour and speaking to each other.

The doors close behind them and a spotlight falls on us, I adjust the mic really quick and smile at everyone "Hey everyone, thank you for coming out tonight." ask I speak I can see through the bad window the sky lowering into twilight.


I smirk "We're Twilight and we hope you have a good time." I say announcing our name, Peter nods at the feel of it and Hayden smiles.

Hayden starts off by giving the first few notes on the keyboard. The lights turn to different colors as Peter begins to start a beat. 

"Close your tired eyes, relaxing them.

Count from one to ten and open them.

All these heavy thoughts will try to weigh you down, but not this time.

Way up in the air, you're finally free, and you can stay up there, right next to me.

All this gravity will try to pull you down, but not this time." I sing the opening and see as people begin to move to the music. I sturm a couple of notes getting cheers from my friends finally getting to see me play "When the sun goes down, and the lights burn out,

Then it's time for you to shine.

Brighter than the shooting star, so shine no matter where you are.

Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,

'Cause it's time for you to shine.

Brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are, tonight.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Brighter than a shooting star,

Shine no matter where you are, tonight."

I look down and see Jess, Mike, Eric, and Anglea cheering and taking photo's "WE LOVE YOU TWILIGHT!!!!"

I smile and begin to move around getting into the music "Gazing into my eyes, when the fire starts,

And fan the flame so hot, it melts our hearts.

All the pouring rain, will try to put it out, but not this time.

Let your colors burn, and brightly burst,

Into a million sparks, but all dispersed and illuminate a world,

That'll try to bring you down, but not this time.

When the sun goes down, and the lights burn out,

Then it's time for you to shine!

Brighter than the shooting star, so shine no matter where you are!

Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,

'Cause it's time for you to shine!

Brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are, tonight!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Brighter than a shooting star,

Shine no matter where you are, tonight!!!"

The room was full of energy, I see Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett jamming out, Edward and Bella smiled at me and I swear Bella was jumping up and down. Jacob stood to the back of the room considering he's not supposed to be here but cheers as well.

"A thousand heartbeats beating time, and makes this dark planet come alive."

But I was looking for one person in the crowd.

"So when the lights flicker out tonight, you gotta shine."

Jasper's eyes met mine, he was standing in the middle of everything. 

"When the sun goes down, and the lights burn out!"

He was smiling at me.

"Then it's time for you to shine!"

I could see his chest heave up and down while looking at me.

"Brighter than the shooting star!!!"

He raises his fist giving a little punch into the air nodding at me to through it all out. If that's what he wanted that's he was gonna get. I begin dancing around while playing feeling and looking more free like Peter and Hayden. 

"So shine no matter where you are!!!" sings Peter, Hayden, and I.

I take my guitar off my body and grab the mic really dancing.

"Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,

'Cause it's time for you to shine!

Brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are, tonight!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!

Brighter than a shooting star,

Shine no matter where you are, tonight!!!"

The audience erupts into applause. I was shocked but smiled, I've never done anything like this before. The feeling was ecstatic and I didn't want it to stop, this was my life. Hayden and Peter walk up next to me and we bow earning more cheers.

Some were chanting Twilight!

And I knew the adventure wasn't over.

I'm a girl whose best friend is a vampire, what could go wrong?

But for now, I put my guitar back on, more cheering! I put my mic back on the stand and smile "Get ready Forks high because we're gonna rock out till midnight!!!"

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