C~6: Homerun Gone Wrong

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They all look to Bella who nods "You're out."


Carlisle was up next and hits a line drive. Edward and Emmett race for the catch, diving 15 feet and colliding with such might that it sounds like enormous boulders falling. They miss the ball, Dr. C is safe!

"Looks like an out on the field for the E boys what will they do next!!! Next up to bat is Jasper, I don't think any of that training the army gave him will help him here folk!" I shout. Jasper looks to me hurt and shakes his head "Shut up."

He twirls the bat and whacks the next pitch deep into the forest. I shout out of pure joy as Edward starts to chase it, but then Alice suddenly Gasps and shouts "Stop!"

Everyone turns and with their vampiric speed rushes back to the home plate. Alice joins and explains "They were leaving and then they head us."




Edward quickly instructs Bella to put her hair down and holds her close, I look to Jasper "J, what's going on?" I ask, he bites his lip and shakes his head "We shouldn't have brought you both here." he says pushing me behind him.

"Jasper what's wrong-"

"Stay quiet."

I wanted to protest but suddenly, we all turn as one toward the edge of the forest. There's a faint rustle then three people emerge. As they near, I see their bare feet, then the deep red of their eyes. The center male holds up the baseball.

"I believe this belongs to you," he says and tosses the ball (his casual toss is still blindingly fast) to Carlisle who easily catches it and smiles politely "Thank you."

The man continues "I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James."

Carlisle nods "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." 

"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence."

The three newcomers exchange a look of surprise.

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore."

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East. You should be safe." says Victoria, so they were the murders everyone was talking about.

"Could you use three more players?" Laurent asks, everything hung in the air as Laurent pushes "Come on just one game."

I gulp and look to Edward his eyes were locked on James. I could feel Jasper grab my hand as his eyes were also locked on the same target. Carlisle sighs "Sure. A few of us were leaving anyway. We'll bat first." he says and throws the ball at Laurent, which lightning speed Victoria catches it making me flinch.

"I'm the one with the wicked curveball."

Emmett nods "We'll see about that."

Within the excitement of the new game, Carlisle nods to Edward and Jasper. Jasper clutching my hand begins to lead me away first as to not draw attention. Once a fairway away a breeze blows. Bella's hair ruffles and so does mine.

I look back to see James stop and his nostrils flaring, excitedly, eyes locked on Bella and I. He begins towards us "You brought snacks."

All the Cullens push Bella back behind them, while Jasper and I don't move. James growls back. Laurent and Victoria line up behind James.

"They're with us. I think it best if you leave," states Carlisle.

"Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now. James?" commands Laurent. But James' eyes don't leave Edward or Jasper. Laurent puts a hand on James' shoulder, and finally, James backs into the woods with his cohorts, disappearing. Once they're gone, Esme immediately gathers up the bats.

Carlisle faces the boys again "Get the girls out of here. We'll follow them."

Jasper quickly leads me over to the bike while Bella and Edward head for the jeep. I look to Jasper "What so he's chasing us now?" I ask.

"I could feel it, Edward's and I's reaction set him off. James lusts for the hunt." Jasper explains. I pull at him "What does that mean?"

Jasper grabs my shoulder holding me still "We're a large clan of strong fighters all protecting two vulnerable humans. We just made this his most exciting hunt ever. My job right now is to get you away from Forks."

Away from Forks, but then Jacob will think I stole his bike to run away. But if not James would follow my scent there, Jasper quickly gets on the bike as he explains the plan "We can tell your family something to cover for you-"

"There's already something." I state, Jasper looks up at me as I continue "About a week ago I bought a plane ticket to Arizona, it was the cheapest flight, Jasper I'm so sorry. But I can easily call Jacob and said I drove there on the bike." I admit to, Jasper didn't seem to care about it right now.

I get on the bike behind him and hold on as he speeds us off. I bite my lip at the thought of leaving, I never wanted this, for once I wanted to say somewhere. Jasper looks back at me for a second  "I know and I'm so sorry." he admits.

I had to remember the friends I made, Jess, Mike, Eric, Anglea, Hayden and his friend Peter. I bury my head into Jasper's shoulder trying not to cry, but everyone would be okay if we left. 

That's what's best.

Even if it puts me back on the run.

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