Chapter 58: Everybody Wants to Rule the World

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The group had a blast for the most part at the respective homes. Aria couldn't help but bask in being home with her Mom and younger brothers. She was overjoyed at reconnecting with her best friends Quincy and Deja. They had a sleepover and filled one another in on the rollercoasters that were their lives. They spent the week enjoying the neighborhood, cooking and talking about life at the moment.

Aria laughed at the times Caleb would Facetime her and talk to her Mom and brothers. He bonded with her brothers over the latest games, while her Mom seemed smitten with the boy that had her heart. "Why are you so sweet to my Mom?" She had asked him a few days before Thanksgiving. "Because she's an older you." It had made her smile and he could see how widely. "I love you, Ace." Aria blew him a kiss. "I love you more, babe."

Sophia Kate was not having as much fun as her friends and she knew she wouldn't. It seemed the moment she arrived in her childhood home her mother was berating her about boys and her relationship that Trey so happened to let slip out. By the third day she couldn't take the prying and sat her parents down.

"Mom. Dad. I have to tell you something and I really want you to be open minded and loving about it, okay?" They looked at one another a bit anxious and looked back at her with a nod. "I'm queer and I have a girlfriend who I absolutely love and adore. I know this is a lot and probably not what you were expecting, but I'm begging that you be okay with this because this is who I am."

The laugh that left her father startled her. "Oh, thank God, I thought you were pregnant." He cheered as he took a sip of his wine. "I don't care who you love, baby angel, as long as they treat you with respect and don't distract you from your goals." He patted her knee and Sophia Kate knew she was smiling so wide because her cheeks hurt. She looked at her mother who seemed to be in shock. "Say something, Mama."

Jessica Lee Lawson looked at her daughter and tried to muster a smile before getting up and leaving. Sophia Kate's shoulders deflated as she looked down at her fingers. "Give her some time, baby angel. You may have just shattered some of her dreams for you and she's got to deal with that in her own way." Her father patted her once more and got up to leave. Sophia Kate spent the night crying in her room afraid that her mother would never see her the same again.

Gracia held her niece Milan Pereira as she thought back to the conversation she and Sophia Kate had. Gracia hated that her mother wasn't accepting. She knew what that heartache felt like thanks to her experience with Danny, but he came around and she had hope that Sophia Kate's Mom would too.

Milan cooed at Gracia and she was smitten. Her niece had her wrapped around her finger. She had sent pictures to the group and they all gushed over the little princess. "You keep holding her all the time she'll get spoiled." Piper said trying to take Milan away. "Touch her and die." Gracia snapped as she sat back into the rocking chair. Piper shook her head and laughed.

"How's Sophia Kate doing?" Piper was up to date on their relationship and Gracia appreciated having a family member to talk to about everything. "She's struggling. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and her Mom is barely talking to her. It's rough and I wish I could be there for her." Piper nodded as she sat down on the ottoman.

"You are being there for her by offering a listening ear and kind words. That's what she needs. Your support." Gracia knew what she was saying was true, but she wanted to hold her girlfriend and kiss her tears away. "I just wish coming out wasn't a thing. I wish that being queer was just accepted like heterosexuality is, you know." Piper looked down at her daughter and smiled.

"I have faith that one day it will be. That parents will understand their love for their child transcends all titles and so-called norms." Gracia looked down at Milan. "You're already the best mother to her, you know that?" Piper gave her sister-in-law a squeeze before getting up. "I do my best. Now put her down and come help me with these pies." Gracia grumbled before putting her niece down in her crib.

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