Chapter 34: Turning Page

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Avery was known by a lot of the founding families as Texas U's swim star. Apparently, beating Winchester was a big deal to them and were singing his praises. This attention came with numbers from the daughters of the founding families and other upperclassmen.

He was already texting them when one in particular requested they take a walk around the venue. Her name was Zella, a daughter of one of the founding families, and she had a mouth on her. Avery was at the venue for only forty-five minutes and he got one of the best blow job of his life. "You keep winning those meets and there's more where that came from." She purred before heading back into the hall.

Tyler and Olivia were enjoying themselves. They spent the hour looking at all the art pieces and other items that would be going on auction. "This night is surreal. All of the fancy gowns and tuxedos. I feel like a princess." Olivia smiled to herself as they made their rounds. "That's because you are a princess."

Tyler held her from behind as they just swayed to the music. It was almost time for dinner so everyone started making their way to their seats. They noticed that everyone was seated at their table except Avery, Jaden and Brooke. "Where's the rest of the crew?" Elsa asked them. "We don't know. We thought they'd be with y'all." Tyler shrugged.

At that moment, Jaden and Brooke came in one direction, while Avery came in another. "Sorry, Jaden just realized that he's a part of a founding family. The Kepners have been Texas U legacy for a while." Brooke informed. "How did you not know?" JT asked. "My grandfather never told me." Jaden shrugged wondering the same thing. "Probably because Texas can be racist as fuck," Sophia Kate offered. "He probably didn't want you to have to deal with anything if it wasn't necessary."

Jaden nodded. "You're probably right, but they all seemed decent enough. I think they just care about my money more than the color of my skin though, but who knows. They're having some events for the founding families during Parents Weekend. I'm going to see if my Grandpa will come out with my Dads and make a thing of it."

They all felt like that was a great idea and began talking amongst themselves until the emcee gathered their attention. "Good evening everyone. For those of you that have been to our annual Founders' Ball, welcome back. To our newcomers, prepare for a magical night of fine food and drinks, entertainment and dancing." Applause could be heard around the room.

"We will begin by serving our four-course-meal while being serenaded by the Texas U orchestra. During intermission we will be wowed by the musical stylings of Ms. Aria Caldwell and Tory Davis. We will then go into the auction portion of the night. We have a lot of great items that I'm sure you all will adore. Now, without further ado." And just like that waiters and waitress fanned in with plates of salad and soup while the band played light jazz.

"I'm so ready to eat!" Preston bellowed. "Preston!" Daisy harshly whispered. "You're always ready to eat. Now keep your voice down." Preston rolled his eyes and rubbed his hands as two plates were placed in front of him. "What's wrong with her?" He asked as he buttered a roll. "Stefan you not doing a good job in the wooing department." Stefan shook his head.

"She's on edge because despite being in this lovely ballgown some racist old fart thought she was the help." This had them all looking sober and at Daisy. "Are you serious?" Sophia Kate questioned angrily. "Some white guy copped a feel when I was in the garden. Caleb came to save me, but he just looked at me like I was a piece of meat." They all stared at the both of them.

"If you haven't noticed Preston, we can count how many Black people are in this room, including those in our group. So, no I don't want you talking loud or being your usual extra self because we can't afford the attention in spaces like this one." They all sat in silence at the gravity of the experiences Daisy and Aria endured.

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