Chapter 3: CRZY

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Caleb sipped on his beer as they all laughed and talked at the impromptu kickback. Jaden's backyard was huge and allotted enough space for all of them to hang out. The group was almost fully reunited now that Brooke, Preston and Tyler had arrived. The last to make it in were Sophia Kate and Aria, but according to Daisy they were on their way.

Caleb didn't know how to feel. The way things ended with Aria over the summer seemed final. The door was closed on any chance of a romance between them. Yeah and I'm the one that closed the door! He admonished himself internally.

He knew that he wasn't the guy that got the girl, especially not a girl like Aria. She was kind, funny and smart. Her dark skin seemed to shine in any light. She was too gorgeous for her own good and it killed him. Aria was all the things that he didn't deserve and he knew that. Caleb wasn't a bad guy, but he was a screw up when it came to girls and relationships.

There were reasons why he didn't pursue them and those reasons were what he needed to go over as she walked through the back door. But he couldn't. The moment his eyes landed on her all reason disappeared. There standing before him was the girl that he couldn't get out of his head.

Aria looked beautiful as usual and naturally everyone couldn't help but stare. She wore a floral dress that accentuated her dark skin and toned legs. She looked like a goddess and her super straight hair looked silkier than ever. Caleb wanted to just go back in time before he told her he couldn't be with her. He wanted to run his hands through her hair and whisper sweet nothings and everything to her, but as he watched her walk over and embrace Stefan, he knew they could never be.

"The gang is finally complete," Preston bellowed raising his cup. "Finally!" Sophia Kate chimed in. "Sorry we took so long," Aria apologized. "My bus got delayed." Stefan looked concerned. "I would've picked you up," he offered making Caleb fight the eye roll that was building.

He knew he couldn't get upset. They were in the predicament currently because of him. He wanted Aria, but couldn't have her or rather shouldn't. Meanwhile, Stefan was the golden boy that so perfectly fit as boyfriend material. It was enough to drive him insane, but he held it together.

Everyone fell into a groove and talked to one another. It was as if no time had passed as he, Gracia, Preston and Tyler joked nonstop. It was a great distraction from the incessant flirting that was happening between Stefan and Aria a few feet away. Things had definitely progressed between them, as well as, with Tyler and Olivia over the last few weeks of summer break. They were casually holding hands and sneaking away every now and then. Caleb was happy to see a once shy Olivia come out of her shell more. They seemed like the perfect couple and Caleb was glad for them.

Preston had confided in Caleb over the break that he secretly had a crush on Elsa, but was too much of a player to do anything about it. Gracia let him know on another occasion that Elsa thought Preston was cute, but also felt he was too much of a playboy to pursue anything with.

Caleb knew something was bound to unfold between the two and was happy to have a front row seat to the inevitable fireworks. It seemed like everyone was pairing off except for him. Even JT and Faye managed to work out some kind of fuck buddy arrangement that smelled disaster.

Thankfully he still had Gracia who still seemed a little bummed that things didn't work in her favor when it came to Sophia Kate. She thought he couldn't tell she was into her, but when he called her out on it, she just spilled the beans. He knew she would find someone soon enough and then he'd be the lone ranger.

I could, you know, go out on dates. The thought made him chuckle to himself. He knew that he wouldn't be going out with anyone unless they were Aria and since that wasn't going to happen, he needed to focus on other things.

Things back home were improving, especially since he wasn't there. The twins were the popular new girls and reveling in that fact, while Parker benefited from the makeover they had given her. His mom and Patrick seemed more in love and a part of him genuinely wanted to be happy for them. He knew he was being a brat, but he couldn't seem to let go of wanting his parents to work it out and be together.

Caleb knew he was too old to hold on to false hope, but there was that little boy within that just wanted things to go back to the way they were when his parents were together and happy. It seemed like forever ago and Caleb knew it was. His father was trying to be a better man, but it all seemed too little too late.

Preston started talking about a party being thrown by the Sigmas at the courtyard and it snapped Caleb out of his thoughts. As he came to, he felt a pair of eyes on him and knew exactly whom they belonged to. He didn't look at her, because he was afraid he'd combust right on the spot.

Instead, he chugged his beer and made a mental note to party that night. Caleb wasn't a bad guy, but there was a destructive bone in his body that seemed to impact everyone he cared about at some point in time. He wanted to forget Aria. He wanted to get her smile and smell out of his system. He needed to for both her sake and his.

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