Chapter 19: Proud

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Lunch was over and everyone sadly headed off to their next classes. "I'll text y'all so I won't die of boredom," Gracia offered as they went their separate ways. Sophia Kate and Aria made their way into the dance studio and got changed.

"I need to tell you something and you have to promise to keep yourself together since we're in class." Sophia Kate started. "Okay, now you're just scaring me. What's up?" Aria questioned cautiously. "Remember that thing you told me and only me about...what you did to Stefan in the car ride back to campus." Aria nodded her head. "Well Faye told me about it this morning. She wasn't being gossipy. She was just thinking you had made your choice and was bummed cause she's Team Caleb."

Aria was thoroughly confused. "How would Faye know if you didn't tell her?" Sophia Kate made a face that had Aria putting the pieces together. "Stefan told her? But why?" Sophia Kate shook her head. "Stefan told Tyler, Gracia and Preston...who then told everyone else in the group."

"EVERYONE!" Aria shrieked earning looks from her fellow teammates. "Breathe. Yes, everyone. I don't know why he told them. It was honestly a dick move, but I'm just telling you so you're not caught off guard if Caleb or anyone says anything." Caleb. He must have known and probably thought I was just some floozy going around giving head to everybody.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Sophia Kate hugged her friend. "It's okay, Ari. We're all really close friends and this will blow over. No one is really even talking about it to be honest. The shock of it all has worn off. No one is judging you, honest." Aria knew Sophia Kate was trying to placate her for the sake of being in class and she'd allow it. How could Stefan disrespect what we shared like this?

"I really hope you and I get a duet," Aria said putting on her ballet shoes and changing the subject. "I doubt that will happen. Madame B. knows we're best friends." Aria shrugged. "A girl can dream." She smiled as they made their way out of the locker room and into the dance room. Ms. Dubois stood at the head of the room and Aria smiled widely.

She loved that woman so much due to her kind words offered during the hardest audition of her life. "Hello my lovelies," she smiled. If it had not been for seeing Ms. Dubois they would not know what Madame Boudreaux looked like under her signature glasses. They took the term identical twins to a whole other level.

"I'm here to announce your duet or trio placement. I will also be giving you your song. First group to go in the show is a duet: Tracy and Asa. Your song will be 'Set Fire to the Rain' by Adele." The two clapped in excitement before hugging one another.

Ms. Dubois went on until there were only three people left and Aria's smile shone brightly. "Our last performance in the show before the closing group performance is a trio: Aria, Alexis and Sophia Kate. You will be doing an aerial routine to 'Your Ex-Lover is Dead – Final Fantasy' by Stars."

Sophia Kate couldn't believe she was dancing with Aria and the great Alexis Washington. She didn't know the song, but judging by Aria's Cheshire cat grin she did. They spent the remainder of class listening to the song and grappling with the fact that Madame Boudreaux wanted them to do an aerial routine.

"This is going to be a tough routine, but we can do it," Alexis reassured. "She has faith in you two. She would never give this task to just anyone." This admission made Sophia Kate feel proud. She wasn't a natural dancer when it came to the more traditional genres like Aria was, but this was a nod that she was on the right track.

They were informed that an aerial instructor would be coming tomorrow to begin training and instructing. They had two weeks to get it together as the show was in four weeks and they need the additional two weeks to run through the whole show. This all should've made Aria a wreck with nerves, but the words Alexis shared with them was inspiring. She had faith that Sophia Kate and she could do this. She also loved the song that was chosen for them. It reminded her a lot about her current situation with Caleb and Stefan.

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