Chapter 5: Lost

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The bright sun-rays flowed through the blinds hitting Caleb and waking him up. He cursed himself for forgetting to close his blinds before bed. He had the worst headache and the fact that he was hot was making it worse. He groggily turned over in his bed only to realize that someone else was in it. "Shit!" He gasped, sitting up quickly.

The sudden movement did nothing to alleviate the growing pain between his ears. He looked around and noticed that he wasn't in his room. He was sleeping on a full-sized bed in a small room and he immediately recognized the layout and which residence hall he was in. "Go back to sleep," a groggy voice belonging to a blonde groaned from beside him. Instantly memories of the night before came flooding back.

Caleb felt disgusted. How the hell did I manage to get myself into this mess? He questioned angrily. He wasn't the kind of guy that had one-night stands, but there he was naked with an equally naked stranger. He peeled the blonde's arm away from his body, which warranted another groan. "Do you not know what go back to sleep means?" She questioned. Her voice uttered a bit of annoyance and Caleb realized more so that this was a complete and utter mistake.

Caleb tried to cover himself as he looked for his clothes. She sat up and put her weight on her elbows as she stared at him sleepily. "There's no need to hide now, hon. I've seen it all." She replied. Caleb didn't have to see her face to know that there was a smirk plastered on it. "I don't do this, you know. I can't believe this happened." Caleb ran a hand through his hair worriedly as he looked for his clothes. The room was a mess further adding to Caleb's feelings of disgust. He just wanted to be back in his room and take a long, hot shower.

"Looking for this?" She asked, waving his briefs around. Caleb's cheeks reddened as he grabbed them from her. "Look, I'm sorry about this." He huffed as he tried to get dressed. "Can you turn around while I change?" She laid her head back on her pillow. "I've already –" Caleb cut her off. "I know. You already saw it, but still." She huffed annoyed before turning the other way. Caleb quickly grabbed his clothes and got dressed in record time. "You know, you could always stay and we could go grab breakfast in the café," she said slinking up closer to Caleb as he put on his shoes.

She used the thin sheet to cover her naked body as he made his way towards the door. "I'm going to have to pass on that." He said opening the door. He didn't know what world she lived in, but usual one-night stands pertained of two people who were ready to get the heck out of dodge the next day. As he turned to leave, Caleb saw the one face he didn't want to and wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole.

Aria and Olivia were making their way from the showers when their eyes met. "Hey you forgot your wallet," the blonde smiled handing it to him with just her sheet to cover herself. Caleb saw the disgust, anger and most importantly hurt flash on Aria's face before she walked past them and he wanted to scream. "Thanks," he managed to mutter before leaving. He knew in that moment any chance he had of ever being with Aria was gone.

He was beyond thrilled to get in the shower and wash away the sweat and regret that lingered on his body. He couldn't believe he could do something like that, but as the events of last night came flooding back, he was reminded that he did in fact do them. You're just like him. He admonished as he stepped out of the shower and got a look at himself through the foggy mirror.

He looked at his reflection and thanked God that he looked just like his mother, but he and his father shared those same blue eyes that seemed to give everything away. He was more like his father than he wanted to admit and it scared him, especially after last night's events.

He needed caffeine and an hour or two to get out of his head. He called Gracia and decided to meet her at the local coffee shop downtown. He knew he would have to fill her in on what all happened, especially the unfortunate run in with the girl he couldn't seem to get off his mind.

Jumpstart was the local hangout for students downtown that also happened to serve the best and strongest coffee. After they placed their order, Gracia filled him in on the date she managed to make at the party. He knew she wasn't ready to accept defeat when it came to Sophia Kate, but he was glad she was getting back out there.

As she continued her story, the anxiety and unease from his actions began to boil within. "I had a one-night stand!" He blurted. She immediately stopped talking to take in what was said and then composed herself. "You did what now?! And with whom?!" As he filled her in on everything, Gracia's facial expressions mimicked how she was feeling. She didn't know what it was, but it seemed as though Caleb and Aria couldn't catch a break.

Caleb had given her the same spiel about why and how they wouldn't work as anything more than friends, but she didn't believe him. Gracia knew Caleb was into Aria, probably more than he cared to admit to himself. She just didn't understand why he was getting in his own way of pursuing something more with her. Things would just get stronger between Stefan and Aria now that she saw him with Ms. Bad Dye Job. "If you're not into Aria like you claim what does it matter that she saw you?" Gracia caught him in his lie and he mumbled excuses.

"G, just drop it. You're right it doesn't matter that she saw me." To Caleb's surprise Gracia did actually drop it. Of course, she threw in how ridiculous and stupid he was, but ultimately, she let things go. They enjoyed the rest of their morning before heading back to Caleb's dorm to watch TV and relax.

Classes were starting tomorrow, but they seemed to have everything together. The rest of the group was busy running last minute errands or resting up. They didn't plan to meet up until dinner, which was fine by Caleb. He wasn't even sure if he was going to go.

"You have to go," Gracia instructed. "If she means nothing to you then quit acting like she does." He knew it was sound advice. Aria told him during the summer that she wasn't into the back and forth, but for some reason that's all he seemed to be doing.

As Gracia and him played on his PlayStation he opened up. "I really like her, G." Caleb didn't know what caused the confession, but it was out there. "I know you do, Caleb. I know you do."

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