Chapter 12: I've Got You Under My Skin

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Stefan and Aria enjoyed cuddling and falling asleep together again in one another's arms. The sun seemed to be up earlier than usual, but Aria didn't seem to get the memo as she snored softly. It was Stefan's turn to commit her face to memory.

The way her eyelashes seemed to go on for miles. Her dark chocolate skin begged to be tasted, while her full lips seemed to call to him. He knew he could stare at her forever, but they need to get ready to check out and head to the brunch sponsored by the radio station that provided the tickets.

"Wake up, pretty girl," Stefan cajoled with a kiss. "No!" Stefan chuckled at the fact that Aria did not like being woken up. "The sooner we get dressed and out of here the sooner you get a Belgium waffle."

At the sound of her favorite breakfast food, Aria was up and running into the bathroom. Stefan laughed heartily as he went to pack up his bag. They had laid out their clothes for the day the night before and literally just needed to throw their toiletries in their suitcases and head out.

The breakfast spread was to die for. Every breakfast food imaginable seemed to be present and Aria was loving all of it, including the free mimosas. "That's your third and final one, Aria Jane. These are strong." She loved it when he got authoritative. It did something to her insides. "Yes, Daddy." Aria smiled and winked as she began to see Stefan's cheeks stain with blush. They were almost done with breakfast and ready to check out before hitting the road for their hour-long commute.

Aria loved Stefan's car. It was classic, sleek and sexy – all words that could be used to describe him. She felt like a new woman. After deciding to focus more on Stefan, life just seemed easier and less complicated. They drove in comfortable silence, listening to the radio, until Beyoncé began playing through the speakers.

"I love this song!" Aria grinned and turned up the music as Stefan took the exit onto a beautiful country road. "Are you serious?" Stefan chuckled. "Beyoncé's Partition? I didn't think you'd like that kind of song, Aria Jane."

"Not only do I love it, I have danced to it and I know all of the lyrics," Aria grinned and then sang. "Driver roll up the partition please, I don't need you seeing Aria on her knees..." Stefan was taking his eyes off the road long enough to see her move her hips in the shorts she was wearing that all of a sudden seemed too short. "Not cool," he said, gripping harder onto the steering wheel. "Mind turning it down now?"

"Why?" Aria grinned smugly and started moving more to the music, circling her upper body to the beat and caressing herself with her hands. "...oh, he's so horny yeah he wants to fuck, he popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse...he Monica Lewinksy-ed all on my gown..." Stefan couldn't take it anymore. "Alright, that's enough," he growled, just as they started cruising through a tiny city. "You're making it hard for me to drive, Aria."

Aria just smirked as her eyes fell to his pants and watched the bulge that was rising. Hard...he wasn't kidding. She thought with a smirk. Aria couldn't help but practically moan the next part out to tease him. She knew the alcohol was the motivator, but a part of her liked being this bad. This free. "Take all...of me. I just wanna be the girl you like – the kind girl you like is right here with me..." Aria was certain she should have cut herself off after one mimosa, but that ship had sailed and she was having a blast.

"STOP!" Stefan snapped and turned off the music. He worriedly looked at the road, but found it hard to focus with a huge boner in his pants. "Oh, come on, I like that song!" Aria complained turning it back on but lowering the volume.

"It's really good!" Stefan rolled his eyes. "It's a little too good," he growled and lightened his grip on the wheel. Aria now struggled to contain her laughter when Stefan had to adjust himself. "I didn't know you were that easy."

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