Chapter 13: Bad Guy

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Caleb tried hard to fight the urge to roll his eyes as Aria divulged the details of her "amazing" weekend once more. Everyone had decided to grab lunch that Sunday afternoon and Caleb was regretting his decision to come. He tried to focus on the conversation Preston was leading, but he couldn't ignore the way Aria glowed.

When she and Stefan met everyone in the cafeteria they seemed to be floating. Aria seemed to shine like the sun. Her smile almost glowing. Stefan looked like a man on the moon. He was so relaxed and chipper that he even dapped Caleb as if they didn't have a hate/hate relationship.

"So, Caleb, Avery tells us you're on the football team," Tyler offered. "Congrats man!" Gracia gasped. "Wait, you're on the football team? When were you going to tell me?" She asked hitting him over the head. "Hey! I just found out!" Everyone congratulated him, even Stefan, but Aria held a reserved expression. Caleb could decipher worry on her face.

"Does this mean you can get me in with the cheerleaders?" Preston asked stuffing his face with fries. "Me too." Gracia asked earning a subtle eye roll from Elsa and Sophia Kate. "I'll see what I can do," Caleb chuckled turning his attention back to them.

Stefan told Aria that he was heading to a study session in the library and would catch up with her later. Everyone started to disperse except Caleb, Aria and Gracia. Gracia could tell that Aria wanted to talk to Caleb, but wanted to be close in case her bestie needed her.

"Caleb, I'm going up to your room." Caleb looked up from his dessert. "Don't you need my key?" Gracia shook her head. "I made a copy." Caleb chuckled at his crazy best friend. He was so engrossed in his cheesecake that he hadn't noticed Aria move next to him until the familiar scent of lavender, vanilla and cocoa butter hit him.

He looked up into big brown eyes that made him want to dive in. "Hey," Caleb whispered on a sigh that was only audible to Aria. "Hi." She smiled slightly looking down at her fingers. "I know I don't have a right to say this or a right to tell you what to do, but can you promise me something?" He looked down into her eyes and the same facial expression as earlier was on her face. "Anything."

Caleb knew he shouldn't have but he enveloped her small hand in his and it felt fantastic. The slightest touch from her was enough to set his whole body on fire. "Promise me you will be careful on the field. My cousin played football in high school and sustained serious injuries in his right leg and that was just high school. College is a whole other arena and I just need you to be careful. For me."

Caleb could see the real fear in her eyes and he wanted to just kiss it away, but he stopped himself as he felt his body lean in slightly. The whole reason he was playing football was to keep away from her. "I promise I'll be careful," he said letting go of her hand. Caleb wasn't sure, but he heard the faintest whimper when they lost contact. He was enamored by this woman.

"Hey, guess what my number is?" Caleb smiled trying to diffuse the tension. "Your lucky number of course, 8." Aria smiled brightly, causing Caleb to swoon internally. "You remember that?" Aria nodded her head. "Of course, I do, I remember everything that's important to me."

Caleb wanted to kick himself for letting her go. Aria was the type of woman that made men better and he needed that. How could I be so stupid? He thought to himself as he stared deeply into her big brown eyes. "So, what number did you pick if it's not 8?" Aria said clearing her throat. "Number 5." Aria smiled. "That's MY lucky number." Caleb nodded. "I know. It was also the last jersey in my size. I guess it was meant to be. Fate."


Gracia sat on Caleb's bed watching Real Housewives of Potomac as he walked in. "Is this a new episode?" Caleb asked interested. "No, that comes on in 2 hours." Gracia informed looking him over. "So...what happened?" Gracia raised her eyebrow. "Nothing happened. She made me promise her I'd be careful on the field and I told her what my number was."

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