Chapter 4: Mercy

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Aria was so thankful to be back in her dorm room. Seeing Caleb proved harder than she anticipated, but she faked it until she made it. He couldn't and wouldn't know how he affected her. Aria doubted he even cared. She refused to let anyone know that a part of her longed for him. She missed him more than she thought possible to miss someone you barely knew. Wasn't there a saying about that – 'you can't miss what you ain't had.'  Well she could and she did.

At first seeing him was thrilling. His hair had grown out a little and he looked like he spent a few more hours in the gym. It made her excited seeing him again, but the blatant way in which he ignored her just filled her with a sadness she faintly recognized. She faked a headache and called it a night. A majority of the group decided to go to the Sigma party in the courtyard, but she and Olivia stayed behind.

She, Olivia, Faye and Sophia Kate were all roommates and she was beyond ecstatic about it. "Are you sleeping?" Olivia asked from the couch. "No." She could've faked it, but she was feeling honest. "Do you really have a headache?" It was apparent Olivia was in the mood to play 21 questions. "No." Aria answered honestly before sitting up in bed.

Olivia made her way into Aria's room and sat on her bed. "Dish." Olivia said with a soft smile. Aria filled Olivia in on everything. How she felt about both Stefan and Caleb. How she wanted things to be simpler but reveled in the complexity of it all at the same time. How she worried about her family and friends back home. How she looked forward to the freedom that college and Austin had to offer.

As each minute went by, Aria divulged details and fears that she hadn't even known she was holding in until she was done half an hour later. "Wow." It was all Olivia could say at first and Aria understood. Together they talked about school and family and Olivia helped calm the understandable concerns Aria shared. They were kindred spirits in that way.

She was saving the best topic for last and Aria knew it. "If it's any consolation, I vote Team Stefan," Olivia smiled as she made her way back to the living room area. "Why," Aria asked truly wanting to know. She followed her onto the couch and awaited her reasoning.

Aria really enjoyed her time with Stefan. He made her laugh and smile so much and stopped in the middle of conversations just to tell her she was beautiful. He knew how to make her feel special and that was something that she didn't know she needed until he came along. They seemed to provide something for one another and that fact wasn't missed by her.

He was one of a kind and she was both blessed and lucky to have his attention and affection. Aria hated, however, that she couldn't shake the raw fire that burned when she saw, thought or spoke to Caleb. It was unnatural in her opinion how she yearned for him. After Fish Fest her dreams usually always stared Caleb Calloway not Stephan Lopez. She needed help and secretly prayed that whatever Olivia had to offer would do just that.

"Caleb is hot," Olivia blurted. "I know that. Heck, every girl here knows that. You two definitely have chemistry, but I think it's all passion and lust...superficial – nothing more. That will wear out with time, but true feelings and happiness lasts a lifetime and I think that's what you have with Stefan. I think he's solid and his feelings are honest and true. So yeah, I vote Team Stefan."

Aria knew Olivia's words were meant to be helpful, but they stung. They hurt because they're true. She thought of all the moments shared between herself and Caleb, the incessant fire felt when they were together and couldn't help but wonder if it was just lust. She felt something more for Caleb, but she couldn't admit that to anyone. Admitting that she had feelings for two guys was too much, especially if one of the guys was so clearly not into her. She didn't completely agree with Olivia, because she knew that her feelings for Caleb were more than superficial, but she couldn't say the same about his feelings for her. 

"Thanks Liv. Those are wise words." As she moved to her room and settled back into bed, they heard a loud thud on the door followed by jingling keys. A second later, a tipsy Faye and Sophia Kate came walking in. "You guys have got to come to this party!" Faye slurred. "No way," Olivia announced from the couch. "Yes way!" She declared removing the throw blanket from her sister's body. "There is no way I'm getting dressed again and going to a party." Olivia pouted.

Thirty minutes later all four girls stood in the midst of the chaos. There were students everywhere celebrating the beginning of what would ultimately be an epic semester. Faye literally dragged the girls out to celebrate their reunion. As DJ AudiTory mixed songs and girls shouted in excitement, Aria was reminded of just how fun life at Texas U was. Faye tried to get her to dance, but for once Aria wasn't in the mood. Instead, she decided to take a walk around the gorgeous courtyard.

The landscaping was expertly done and allowed anyone viewing to truly appreciate the greenery and architecture. As she made her way to a nearby table, she saw him. Caleb looked as if he had a few drinks too many, but the bleach blonde leaning on him didn't seem to mind.

Why do you care? Aria thought to herself angrily. She should be in bed instead of out here stalking. Just as she was about to turn, they made eye contact. Damn it! He had seen her, but what he did next is what had her mouth hanging wide open.

Caleb started making out with the blonde as if his life depended on it. The level of PDA was disgusting and, in that moment, she thought she might vomit. Aria knew he was sending her a message and it was one that she received loud and clear.

As she began to walk away, she bumped into welcoming arms. Stefan, great. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to see him. In fact, she was elated. But she knew that in that moment her expressions would give her away about how she really felt about the scene in front of her.

"You want to get out of here?" Stefan asked. "Yes please!" Stefan didn't ask anything else. He didn't press her despite knowing that deep down seeing Caleb make out with another girl hurt her deeply. He really was the knight in shining armor. They made their way to the parking lot and Stefan unlocked his car. "I still can't get over how sick your car is!" Aria admired making him blush. "Thanks." They drove in silence for a few minutes before he pulled up to the nearby Waffle House.

As they made their way into a booth, Aria dreaded the inevitable conversation that was bound to happen. "I know what it looked like earlier, but it's not like that. I'm not into Caleb anymore and he's definitely not into me." She blurted out trying to get ahead of things, but Stefan just stared at her. "I know you still like him, Aria. It sucks, but it's okay. We're not exclusive."

That fact hit her hard as well and she really wished she had stayed in bed. "I know, but –" He cut her off. "I don't ever want to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to." He smiled. "I'm here, Aria. I like you and it scares me a bit, but I think you're worthwhile. So, whenever you're ready to focus on just us then say the word."

They ordered and ate in silence as Aria thought things over. She couldn't give him an answer right then and there, but she could make it a point to focus her attention and affection more on him. "I really like you Stefan." She finally said as they stood to leave. "I've never met a guy like you before and its scary and thrilling all at the same time."

He smiled. "I just need time to iron out how I feel about everything." She finished truthfully. "I can respect that," he answered. "But I have a feeling after our first official date you'll be begging for me to make you my girl." He smirked mischievously.

"Oh, is that right?" She chuckled remembering how easy things felt with him. "You have no idea, Aria Jane." Stefan had the habit of calling her by her full name and she liked it. "This is going to be a great semester, pretty girl."

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