Chapter 8: Ring of Fire

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It was 2am on Saturday morning and Elsa, Brooke, and Faye found themselves drinking wine coolers with some of the guys, while Daisy drank Kool-Aid. Olivia and Tyler had left the group hours ago to "study," but Faye knew her baby sister was busy coming into her own as she navigated her relationship with Tyler effortlessly. Jaden had some business to take care of, while Sophia Kate and Gracia were currently smoking weed in the nearby garden.

Caleb, Avery, Preston, and JT each drank the punch Gracia concocted and thanked God for the fake IDs they were all able to secure. "I don't know about y'all, but I needed this. This week has kicked my ass and it's only week 1." Preston expressed downing the contents in his cup.

"I agree! My professors are on some fuck shit for real," Daisy piped up. "It's only going to get harder from here on out." Elsa chimed in. "That's what he said!" Preston said and immediately began chuckling along with almost everyone in the room. Elsa gave him a death glare that had him sobering up quickly.

"Enough about school," Brooke offered. "How is everyone doing personally?" The girls began to brighten up while Caleb wanted to disappear discreetly. "I'm personally doing really good this week. I got in with the campus counselor and there is an AA group on campus that meets every other day, so I've been busy with that." Cheers were heard around the room.

Everyone was being so supportive and present for Daisy in her road to recovery, especially Elsa. "Photography has been challenging, but fun. To be honest, personally and academically I'm happy. I feel energized and ignited all of a sudden and it's speaking volumes in my work." Faye smiled. "So, was that before or after you landed on JT's peen?" Preston grinned.

This earned him laughs and shocked expressions from the crowd, but Faye's retort is what had the room cackling. "After." Preston was full on guffawing, while JT smugly smirked. Everyone went around sharing their present likes and future hopes as drinks were topped off and consumed.

"I wonder what Aria and Stefan are doing?" a tipsy Elsa inquired. "Oh, I know what they're doing," Preston offered making a circle with one hand and poking it with his other index finger. "They are not!" Brooke exclaimed. "Aria's an angel. She wouldn't give it up just like that." Avery chimed in. "Plus, Stefan is a gentleman. He won't pressure her or make her feel uncomfortable whatsoever."

"I bet they are watching movies and cuddling max," Faye offered up. The whole conversation was making Caleb heated with jealousy, guilt and anger at his own stupidity. He was jealous beyond compare that she was in Stefan's arms on a weekend getaway and not his.

He felt guilty for ignoring her after the whole one-night stand thing, instead of talking to her about it and expressing that it was a mistake. But most of all, he felt stupid for getting himself in situation after situation that just kept pushing the one girl that seemed to matter to him the most so far away.


"This shit is so strong," Sophia Kate coughed as she passed the blunt to Gracia. "I know right. My brother's plug has the best stuff." Gracia inhaled deeply as Sophia Kate watched on. "So, you big on smoking?" Gracia exhaled as she shook her head. "Not really. I maybe smoke once every other month actually. I'm more of a drinker, but I just needed to decompress and I wanted it to happen fast, fun and hangover free." Sophia Kate took a puff. "What is stressing you out? School? Family?" Gracia eyed her as she took the blunt from her hand.

"Honestly, it's matters of the heart." Sophia Kate eyed Gracia with a look Gracia couldn't read. "Oh, I didn't know you were seeing anyone," Sophia Kate offered looking down at the grass. "I'm not," Gracia exhaled putting out the roach and pocketing it. "That's the problem. I have feelings for someone, but they don't feel the same."

Gracia looked at Sophia Kate and that same unreadable expression was on her face. "What are you thinking, Texas?" Gracia cooed laughing a little. "I'm thinking that any girl that can't see how amazing you are and how deeply you care about people that matter to you is insane and doesn't deserve your affection."

It was more than likely the fact that Gracia was higher than a kite and all inhibitions had flown out the window, but in that moment all she wanted was to feel Sophia Kate's lips so she did. The kiss clearly shocked Sophia Kate, for a few seconds, but she surprised herself and Gracia by kissing her back. Hard.

Sophia Kate felt tingles in every inch of her body. Is this what kisses are supposed to feel like? Sophia Kate thought as Gracia cupped her face to deepen the kiss. Their tongues did a tango and Sophia Kate felt like she was flying. The planet was beneath her and she was soaring through the galaxies. She couldn't help but moan out her pleasure as Gracia nibbled her bottom lip.

What am I doing? Sophia Kate questioned as a reprieve in the marijuana fog cleared. Gracia is a girl! I don't do this with girls! Sophia Kate pulled away causing Gracia to sit back and assess her face. The look Gracia saw nearly made her flinch. "I'm sorry," Gracia started. "No, it's fine." Sophia Kate offered while wrapping her arms around herself.

Gracia noticed the movement and chided herself. "It's not okay. I am high and made a move on someone who is clearly not interested and that's not something I do. I'm really sorry." Sophia Kate knew she was being sincere with her and she appreciated that. "All is forgiven. Let's head back in before those fools kill each other." Sophia Kate smiled and helped Gracia up.

Gracia knew this would come back to haunt her. It never should have happened, but she couldn't deny the way the sparks flew when their lips touched. For now she was going to enjoy her friends and try to forget the first kiss that ever left her breathless. Sophia Kate found herself laughing with her friends as if nothing happened, but she knew that was a lie. Something did happen. Something major that if she was being honest with herself, both scared and excited her like nothing she has ever encountered.

However, Sophia Kate wasn't ready to be completely honest with herself. To do that she would have to admit things that she knew went against so many things she was taught and had learned living in a small town. So, for the time being, Sophia Kate was going to laugh and enjoy the time spent with her friends. She could muster up the courage to do just that. As for Gracia, she knew she would spend that night and every night afterwards pining for a girl she could never have.

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