Chapter 17: Swing

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Aria and Caleb made it into his room and a flood of memories, both good and bad, hit Aria like a tsunami. She cleared her throat and made her way to his bed. Caleb brought out his papers, while Aria fanned out her binder and course textbook for them to use.

They spent the next two hours going over how they would move forward with the project to ensure they covered every item needed to get an A. "I need a break. My head is starting to hurt." Aria complained laying on her back. Caleb moved the textbook and notes and laid beside her. They laid like that for a few minutes before Caleb turned on his side to look at her.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing level. He took in her features as a means to catalog them for the hundredth time. "Staring is rude, you know." Aria said not bothering to open her eyes. "You're just so beautiful," Caleb whispered more to himself than her, but she heard.

She opened her eyes and turned her head to stare at him. "You know what my ringtone is for you in my phone?" He laughed at the change in topic. "No, what is it?" Her frown deepened. "Hot N Cold by Katy Perry." The jab smacked him right in the face. "Why do you always do this? Say something that has me reeling and then 10 seconds later change your tune?"

Caleb rolled over and sat up. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. He didn't want to have this conversation. He should've never said anything, but when he got so close to her all caution was set aside. "Forget I said anything." He said standing up.

Aria was on her feet and standing in front of him in seconds. "That won't work. Not this time. You don't get to push me away again." She folded her arms over her chest. "Why is it so hard for you to just open up to me and be true to yourself? You have feelings for me just admit it."

Aria didn't know where these feelings were coming from, but it seemed like they were building for quite some time. She was frustrated, angry, but most importantly tired. She was tired of caring for someone who only seemed to care for her 50% of the time. "Fine, tell me you don't have feelings for me."

Caleb was silent. "What are you doing, Caleb? Why are you so hell bent on fighting what we both feel?" Caleb made the mistake of looking into her eyes and regretted it immediately. Those big brown saucers seem to draw him in making him want to reveal all of his deepest darkest feelings.

"Don't you like Stefan? Why can't you just focus on him? Why isn't he enough?" Caleb snapped. "Because he isn't you!" Aria covered her mouth as soon as the words flew out. Caleb asked the initial questions, but he wasn't ready for the answer. He figured Aria cared for him and liked him, but this was the first time that she so blatantly admitted it. He didn't realize his soul needed to hear those words until he did.

But the anger in Aria was bubbling over. She couldn't believe herself and her admission. She wanted a guy who was emotionally unavailable and shut her down at almost every turn, while she had a guy who gave her his all, time and time again. She was pissed, but mostly at herself. Stefan didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve this.

"Fuck you, Caleb!" Aria yelled shoving him as hard as she could, which did nothing to move him. "Fuck you for making me care about you! Fuck you for being a complete and total jackass! Fuck you for not giving a damn about me!" With each exclamation came a shove, until the last one where Caleb grabbed her arms.

He held her flush to his body and looked down into those eyes. Before he could stop himself, his lips were crashed on top of hers. Aria sighed into the kiss allowing Caleb to deepen it. They stayed like that kissing so passionately and as if their lives depended on it. All of Caleb's feelings for Aria were poured into the kiss, while Aria tried to reiterate just how much she cared for him.

"Caleb," Aria moaned against his lips. He walked them over to the bed and broke the kiss. He kneeled in front of her and proceeded to remove her shorts. One leg at a time without breaking eye contact Caleb undressed her. It wasn't meant to be a sensual act, but the reflection of lust in both of their eyes confirmed what each movement was doing. He stood up and took off her tank top and bra to see full breasts on display for him. She's going to be the death of me. Caleb thought as he massaged her right breast.

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