Chapter 43: Lose Yourself

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Aria and Sophia Kate gave their respective partners a kiss for good luck and headed to their dorm rooms. The rest of the gang headed to Ellenton for an early dinner with their parents. In no time they were all showered and dressed for a fun and magical production at the Madame Boudreaux auditorium.

"This place is nice!" Preston gushed as they made their way towards the front. They were all thankful to Sade for making sure they were there at 7:15 as there was already a line. They sat in the middle and were able to fit all in one row. "How nervous do you think they are?" Gracia asked Caleb who was sitting to her right with Victor and Daisy to her left. "I think Sophia Kate is fine, but Aria..." He shook his head. "You know how she gets about performances."

Gracia nodded in understanding. Aria's anxiety always seemed to spike around her performances. "She seemed to do great at the Day event. I thought she'd be reeling having to perform for so long, but she seemed fine and you know why that is?" Caleb looked down at his best friend.

"She was looking at you through most of it. You're her person. Her anchor. I just hope she finds you in the crowd as soon as she hits the stage so she can center herself." Caleb smiled at the sentiment, but agreed. It seemed she was that for him too. He held the white roses in his hand as more people began filing in.

Daisy and Stefan held hands as they talked to Victor and the Ito's. Margot and Patrick sat next to Caleb, while Brooke and Jaden's family sat next to Patrick. They all were busy talking that they didn't see the girls peeking through the curtains. "Do you see them?" Sophia Kate asked above Aria. "Yeah, I see them." She smiled at how handsome Caleb looked.

"We're going to do great, Aria! We are going to get a standing ovation. I can feel it in my bones." Aria laughed and hugged her friend. "I don't know about that, but I do think we'll do great." Their fellow team members made it on stage with smiles on their faces. "Places." Madame Boudreaux seemed to have materialized from nowhere.

They got into position as Madame Boudreaux stepped out for behind the curtain. There was a round of applause simply for her presence and Aria was reminded of how famous she really was. "Thank you and welcome to a night of experience. Let It Burn is a masterful declaration that I hope you all are able to interpret in your own words and way."

The audience clapped once more. "Without further ado, I give to you the Texas U dancers." Another round of applause sounded as Madame Boudreaux made her way off stage to a seat in the front. Her face was hidden behind her signature glasses, but that didn't stop Sade or Roger from trying to see.

The curtains opened and they were transported to a fiery post-apocalyptic world. The beat for 'Fight Fire with Fire' by Metallica began to play and Aria immediately twirled onto the stage. Every audience member was in awe as she danced so gracefully to the melodic tune. When the guitars strummed in and the heavy metal dropped the other dancers immediately joined in on the scene. The performance was powerful and hectically well done. Madame Boudreaux was definitely making a statement and they all seemed to be interpreting it. As the curtains closed the applause was deafening.

"Okay that was amazing!" Brooke gushed leaning forward to ensure all heard her. They all nodded as the curtains began to open revealing a boy and girl. As Adele's 'Set Fire to the Rain' began they were taken on a journey between two lovers torn apart. Performance after performance was so heartfelt and commanding that a few in attendance couldn't help but tear up.

As the curtains opened Caleb saw his girlfriend in a dress of various shades of orange and red. Her hair was swept up in the neatest bun. 'Watch' by Billie Eillish began to play and they were transported once again and sat front row as a story was told. She flowed and danced in a way that pulled at one's heartstrings. She told a story of a lover jilted, but whose heart still burned for the assailant.

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