SEVENTY-FIVE. house of reflectors

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When Patricia said that Nina's gran had gotten worse, River didn't expect it to be the worst of the worse. The timepiece Senkhra had been taunting Nina about since the start wasn't an actual timepiece — Evelyn Martin, Nina's gran, was the timepiece. Apparently, it had something to do with her name. This discovery caused Nina to be a wreck. The girl sat on her bed with both her roommates on either side of her comforting her, while Patricia stood beside the bed. No amount of comforting rubs River and Amber gave Nina would stop her from crying. Her gran's life was now on the line because of Senkhra.

"Nina, I am so sorry," River was the first to respond to the news, squeezing her friend's shoulder.

"I can't believe it," Amber uttered in disbelief.

"You mean the timepiece is... Granny Martin?" Patricia questioned, though the obvious was clear.

"She's been hexed just like us," Nina explained. "How did Senkhra even get to her? I don't even know how long she's been cursed for. She started getting sick when she was staying here."

Nina's sobs continued and River gave her friend a sympathetic smile as she and Amber rubbed her back.

"Senkhra's one mean spirit lady," Amber said.

"We failed the constellation task. It's game over for all of us because of me."

"No, it's not. We are going to find a way, some way, to finish that task before anything gets worse," River assured her. "We always do. We're Sibuna."

A knock came from the door and River wondered who it was. The person who pushed it open and stood by the door was the last person that should be in the room. Joy Mercer.

"Hey," Joy slowly greeted.

"Joy, really not a good time," Amber told her.

"Yeah. Well, I just wanted to say sorry. For the Jackal Anonymous thing, I mean. I guess it was a slow news day."

"It's fine Joy. You were right," Nina replied and River couldn't help but stare at her friend in disbelief. Joy's article was the furthest thing from right. "Maybe I wasn't taking enough care of my gran."

"Nina, admit to nothing," Amber insisted before standing up and facing Joy. By the angry frown on her face, River could tell that Amber was going to bite back at Joy. No one was safe when Amber was angry. "Joy, if you have something to say to any of us, you should have the courage to say it to our faces, not write it on a website pretending to be someone else. If anyone here should be embarrassed, it's you!" With that being said, Joy decided it was best to leave. Amber sat back down and River couldn't help but give a proud smile. The blonde let out a breath and shrugged. "Just my opinion."

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)²Where stories live. Discover now