THIRTY-FIVE. house of fronts

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Chaos still reigned in the hallways, but perched against the office door were the blonde and brunette pranksters of Anubis House. And, boy, were they nervous. River let out another groan when whoever was trying to open the door wouldn't stop, only causing her and Jerome to push back harder. However, they didn't succeed because the door went ajar.

Expecting to see an angry Sweetie, River grimaced. But when she looked up, she let out a sigh of relief. It was just a worried Alfie Lewis who looked down at his friends. "Guys, mission accomplished?"

Jerome let out his own relieved sigh and shook his head. "Negative."

"Not even close," River added.

"Buy us more time."

Alfie quickly shut the door close, causing the two pranksters who were perched against it to hit it and let out groans. Their heads banging wasn't important at the moment. They needed to get the dissembled suit of armor back together.

Scrambling to the pieces, Jerome and River picked up a few pieces. The latter let out a groan as she stood up with a part that looked like the arm and turned to where the suit of armor was supposed to stand.

Tilting her head, River glanced back to Jerome. "Maybe we should start with the body to make things easier."

Jerome nodded as he stood up with his own pieces. "Yeah, that should be easy."

Apparently, it was not as easy as the blonde and brunette duo thought. River thought that she and Jerome were doing an okay job with assembling the armor. However, when they put the last piece on and stepped back to take a look at their masterpiece... Let's just say, it was not a masterpiece.

River pursed her lips, her eyes straying on the odd shape of the arms. "Are those the legs?"

Jerome sighed. "We don't have time to fix it." He picked up one of the coats on the floor. "Maybe he won't notice?" River shrugged and grabbed one of the other coats as she and Jerome hung them on the suit of armor. Maybe Mr. Sweet, the man who was known to notice every mistake in Amun Academic Boarding School, wouldn't notice the weird structure of the suit of armor that he used as a coat rack. Hanging the last coat, Jerome released a relieved chuckle. "That wasn't so hard."

"If this fails," River began, gesturing to the suit of armor, "it's Mr. Sweet's fault of using a suit of armor as a coat rack, right?"

"Oh, definitely." Jerome nodded in agreement. Speaking of the devil, Mr. Sweet's voice was heard again. And it sounded a lot closer than before. Sharing wide-eyed looks, River and Jerome scurried to a hiding place. Though it wasn't that easy since there was nowhere to hide in the office. The pranksters made it work, both of them each standing against the walls of either side of the door. River wondered if she held her breath and shut her eyes, maybe she'd become invisible to Mr. Sweet. Unfortunately, she knew that wouldn't happen, but still tried it. What made her open her eyes was Jerome's next words, "There it is!"

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)²Where stories live. Discover now