FORTY-NINE. house of silence

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Nina had suddenly dozed off, leaving River's question unanswered as she stared at her roommate in confusion. She would've questioned it, but Patricia kept nudging her. River faced the auburn girl, who kept on mouthing that she had lost her voice. She spotted her blue water bottle and handed it to Patricia.

"Here. Maybe it won't help," River suggested, furrowing her brows at her words and sharing a confused look with Patricia. Okay, that was the second time that happened. Something was wrong. Nonetheless, Patricia took the bottle and drank the water. As she finished, River looked at her expectedly. "Well?"

Patricia opened her mouth, but the only thing that she could do was mouth, 'Hello'. The ex-roommates shared a defeated sigh, with Patricia mouthing, 'It didn't work'. Despite that, Patricia continued to try and talk, while another sound alarmed River's ears. A gasp coming from her American roommate, Nina Martin. River looked to Nina to find that she had now woken from her quick nap.

"Fabian," Nina spoke as she glanced to Fabian, "what happened?"

"Oh, we lost the ping-pong," Fabian replied, seeming oblivious to Nina's shocked state. "Are you alright? You dropped off or something?"

"I don't know. I can't remember."

River eyed her friend with her brows pulled together. "Nina, you bad?" The brunette frowned at her response. "Okay, that was proper English!"

"You're still talking weirdly," Nina noted and River nodded in response. It seemed like a moment of epiphany hit Nina as her frantic eyes looked to her friends. "I... I was talking to you guys and then..." Leaving on a pause, Nina exasperatedly threw her head in her hands. "Oh, why can't I remember?!"

Patricia patted Nina's shoulder, and as Nina faced her, Patricia mouthed, 'Are you okay?'.

"You still can't speak?" Nina asked, receiving a shake of the head from Patricia. "Something really weird is going on."

River could deal with what Nina meant later or what was going on with her and her friends. Right now, she had another friend in need, who was leaning down by the ping-pong table with his head in his hands. River got up from her seat and jumped down toward Jerome.

As he stood up with a grunt, she gave him a sympathetic smile. "I'm so glad, Jerome. I honestly thought that you didn't have it in the bag." River grimaced at her words as Jerome warily eyed her. "Take note of what I just said."

"Okay, what kind of pep talk was that?" Jerome incredulously asked.

Before River could try and save herself, Mr. Sweet thankfully brought the attention back to the loss. "It seems that the Frobisher Shield is destined to remain at Wincott Academy after all." River sighed at that as something else caught her attention. Well, someone else. Alfie Lewis, pretending to be a flying plane as he knocked into the Wincott male player. "It is my duty to present the Frobisher Shield to the winning team."

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)²Where stories live. Discover now