NINE. house of combinations

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"Ding, ding, ding! Another winner!" While the female prankster cheered victoriously, the goth pixie threw her head back, letting out a groan. River chuckled, piling the Uno cards back together. Patricia sat down on the chair of the student lounge/drama studio, looking defeated as ever. "Told you I was amazing at this."

Patricia rolled her eyes, but still smiled as she grabbed a magazine from the coffee table. "Yeah, yeah."

River glanced back at her with a smile before both girls fell into laughs. Since the term began, she and Patricia spent more time than they ever had in their whole time of knowing one another. River enjoyed it. It only caused her feelings for the goth girl to grow immensely. There was never a dull moment with her. Whether they were doing homework or goofing around, like now, River always found herself with a smile stuck on her face.

"Uhm, Trish..." River began and Patricia looked up from her magazine and to her. The brunette felt a lump in her throat. How could she not when she was about to tell someone she'd known for years that she saw her in a way that friends shouldn't see each other. River had faith that in the end, everything would be fine. She has faced madmen and lunatic half-sisters, so confessing her feelings should be a piece of cake, right? "I... I need to tell you something."

However, before she could continue, Mara approached the girls (thankfully, without her large specs) and sat down in the seat besides Patricia's with two plane tickets in her hands s "He's going to Australia."

River's eyebrows rose in realization before she sat on the coffee table, facing her friends. "Oh, yay." Mara didn't seem happy when she frowned at her, causing River to grow baffled. "I mean... boo?"

"But I thought that was what you wanted?" Patricia enquired in perplexity.

"He's going to dump me, isn't he?" Mara's disheartened voice uttered.

"I mean, you did say you wanted him to dump you and not the other way around," River reminded her.

The goth girl nodded in agreement. "That was your plan."

"I know, but it was your idea," Mara accused her roommate.

Patricia sat up in shock. "Uh, what?"

"And he's flying off to have the time of his life and I'm getting dumped. Why did I do all of this? Why did you let me?"

Mara quickly stood up. Patricia and River watched her leave, their faces etched in confusion.


The female prankster shrugged. "I don't even know."

Patricia sighed before facing River. "What did you want to tell me before Mara arrived?"

"Uhm..." River pursed her lips, deciding that maybe it was best to not go into a discussion of relationship after seeing Mara's meltdown. Instead, she held up the pack of cards with a grin. "Round two?"

Patricia smiled back. "You're on."

. . .

The Amfie trail date Amber told River about had a twist — it was a double date with Fabian and Nina. River was glad that Amber thought of that because Nina and Fabian were slowly becoming best friends again instead of boyfriend and girlfriend.

The prankster was helping her two friends get ready for their dates. Living in the same room with Amber taught River a lot of things — always match your outfits with your shoes and how to properly apply make up on. The latter was what she helped her roommates with.

After helping Amber with hers, River did Nina's makeup. Once she finished, the prankster and the fashionista took their American friend over to the mirror near River's bed.

"What do you think?" Amber asked.

"You better like it, because I don't think I have the will to apply more makeup on someone else again," River spoke.

Nina chuckled before assuring River, "I like."

"Great." River beamed before heading to Amber's vanity table.

"Let me finish your hair," the blonde said before taking Nina to her vanity table. Amber sat Nina in her seat as River passed the hairbrush to her. "So, are you nervous? First date and all."

"No." The American chuckled. "Why would I be nervous? I mean, he is my best friend."

River pointed to her. "And that's why you should be nervous."

Nina furrowed her eyes as Amber began to elaborate, "That's what I used to say to Alfie every time I turned him down."

Nina grew confused as to what her friends were trying to say. "Why?"

"Because B.F has to stand for 'Best Friend' or Boyfriend. B.F.B.F is just bad grammar."

"You guys don't really believe that, do you?"

"Yeah-huh. It's Science."

The dark-haired brunette tilted her head. "Not really Science. More like common sense."

Amber waved River off. "Whatever it is, it's true. I mean, take Noah and River, for example—"

"Hey!" Exclaimed River as she threw her arms up. Amber raised an eyebrow and the prankster sighed. "Okay, true. We were basically still best friends while we were dating."

"Is that why you guys broke up?" Nina inquired.

"Uhm, no." River took a glance to Amber before hesitating. She had been wanting to tell Nina because, well, Nina was her friend. Her first Anubis sister. She trusted her and wanted her to know. "It was because I didn't like him like that. And I'll never like any boy like that ever."

Nina furrowed her eyebrows and after a moment, realization hit her. "Oh. Well, I'm happy for you. I'm assuming Amber knew then."

"Yeah. She went through my phone. I really should keep a password on that."

"It was an accident," Amber declared. "I apologized."

"I'm not mad," River assured her before looking at Nina. "But I'm not out fully. The only people who know are you two, Jerome, Noah and Shawn."

"How'd your brother take it?" Nina asked, earning a grimace response from her prank-loving roommate. Wanting to avert from River brother, she grabbed River's hand and squeezed it. "Thanks for telling me."

River squeezed the American's hand just as Amber let out an excited squeal, finishing off Nina's hair. "Okay. Ready!"

. . .

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