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He didn't want to wake up, he really didn't, but daylight waits for no one and slowly he could feel himself coming back to earth. He kept his eyes resolutely closed, wanting to hang on, wanting to stay for as long as he could in this place, this most comfortable of places. He didn't want to think, he just wanted to feel Brett's body next to him, his arm under his head, he wanted to feel how relaxed he was, how happy, how everything right now was just as perfect as it could ever be. 
Brett groaned softly and stretched out ever so slightly, like a cat in front of a roaring fire. Then he kissed Eddy's forehead. 
"Good morning my love." he whispered, clearly realising Eddy was awake too. 
Eddy smiled at the sound of his raspy morning voice. 
"Good morning, Bretty." he breathed, and he finally opened his eyes. He lifted his head to look at his boyfriend then, and the look on Brett's face took his breath away. 
He looked... well, he looked radiant. In fact, he looked happier than he'd ever seen him. Eddy felt his own mouth curving in an answering smile.
"You look happy." he said softly. 
Brett's smile widened. "Yeah, I can believe that. It's because I am happy." 
Eddy buried his head in Brett's neck, pulling him closer. 
"Me too, Bretty. In fact, I don't think I've ever been happier." 
Brett sighed softly, and it was such a contented sound. 
"I can't believe we actually did that." he said then. 
Eddy grinned. "Yeah, I know." 
He looked up at Brett again. "So, what do you think the odds are that Todd doesn't guess this the second he sees us?"
Now Brett actually giggled. "Erm, probably not very high. But we should at least try and not let the whole world see."
Eddy kissed him tenderly on his nose, and then he pushed himself into a sitting position. 
"They can just think we're excited about the concerts." 

Eddy walked into their little bathroom and stared at his own face in the mirror. 
Did he look different? He felt profoundly different. Much more different than the mirror told him. I mean, his eyes were sparkly, sure, and his cheeks were still a little flushed. But other than that he looked just the same as he had yesterday morning. 
It was strange, because everything had changed since then, and he felt powerful right now. He felt confident. 
He showered on the double and tried to pull himself together. They had to get to breakfast, and they had two concerts to play. Scruffy Suit would be there soon, and the whole world would go on as it did yesterday. The only thing different was how he felt. And how Brett felt, he guessed. 
He looked in the mirror once more, and fuck it; Todd was right. He was glowing. 
He grinned at the glowy boy in the mirror and then he went out to the room to get dressed and let Brett use the bathroom next. 
He installed himself in one of the chairs to wait for his boyfriend, leafing absentmindedly  through the Mendelssohn score. He didn't see many notes though; his head was way too full of all that had happened since yesterday. He remembered how stressed he had been then, but almost like it was ancient history. Because everything had been absolutely perfect last night, and today he felt simply invincible. 
He just hoped that he'd still feel as invincible when the audience applauded and the four of them sat down on their seats to start their piece. 
Brett came out of the bathroom with wet hair and a hotel towel around his waist and smiled sweetly at him. Eddy smiled back wholeheartedly, simultaneaously remembering how awkward this used to be. 
It sure wasn't awkward now. 
He put the score in his bag and got his violin and stuff together, ready to leave.

"Hey Brett." he called a minute later, this new feeling of confidence coursing through him still as his boyfriend, now in his customary black jeans and black shirt, picked up his violin as well and made to open the door. He had to say something or he would burst. Brett turned around and looked at him questioningly. 
"Just so you know. You're not just a pretty face. You're also fucking awesome in bed."
Eddy walked forward with a spring in his step, his violin case already on his back, and triumphantly kissed Brett's astounded mouth. 
"I love you." he whispered, and then he opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. 
He thought he heard Brett whisper behind him. 

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