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Eddy's mind was reeling as the other two walked up to them. 
Shit. Wow. Todd had just... well, he'd just basically come out to him. He'd never expected Todd to be anything other than straight. 
But more than that... he'd told Todd some stuff he hadn't realised he knew himself. 
He'd told him that it was okay to feel this way? He'd told him that he was born this way, and he didn't need to change anything? What? Where had that come from? 
But he knew, now, suddenly, that he meant it. He certainly meant it for Todd. Did that mean he could mean it for himself? And then, what would that change?
A hand waved in front of his face, pulling him out of his head and into the now.
¨Earth calling Eddy!¨
Brett's face was ironic, but also slightly concerned. Of course. Brett would realise straight away that something was going on. 
He forced a smile and took a deep breath.
Come on, man, you got shit to do today. 
¨Yeah, yeah, I'm here.¨ he said, smiling at Lizzy now. ¨Did it go well with the duet?¨
¨It did, I'm very grateful, it was good to play through it with someone else!¨ 
¨Even if it was a violin?¨ Todd quipped, and everyone laughed. 
Break time was pretty much over then, so they all went inside again and made their way back towards the auditorium. Brett gave Eddy a questioning look as they walked along. 
¨I'll tell you later, okay?¨ Eddy said, so softly he knew the others wouldn't hear.
Brett's eyes were concerned, the question mark at the end of the word obvious. 
¨It's all good bro.¨ Eddy added, hoping Brett's eyes would relax again. ¨No worries, okay?¨
¨Okay.¨ Brett said again, and Eddy knew he wasn't convinced, but there wasn't a whole lot he could do about that right now. 

The rehearsal seemed to last forever and ever, and for the first time these weeks all Eddy wanted was for it to end. A few times he'd smiled encouragingly at Todd, who was basically sat directly opposite them in the cello section. He really hoped that Todd was alright, and he really, really wanted to talk to Brett. He wanted this off his chest and he wanted to know what Brett thought.

¨So, tell me! What happened with Todd?¨ Brett asked, the second Eddy had closed the door behind them. Usually they went to the cafeteria together as a group after rehearsal, but Eddy had made an excuse for them to go to their room first today. He'd given Todd a meaningful look and another smile, and Todd had nodded. He understood. 
Eddy sat down on his bed. He'd been looking forward to this moment all afternoon, but now that he was here he wondered where to even begin. 
¨You're not gonna believe this.¨ he said, and his voice sounded strange to his own ears.¨Todd wanted to tell me something about himself.¨
Brett didn't say anything, he just looked at him expectantly. So Brett had not seen anything different about Todd either, Eddy guessed. 
¨He... he asked me if we were more than just best friends, Brett, and he asked that because... because he's gay.¨
Brett eyebrows shot up to the ceiling and he quickly sat down on his own bed, opposite Eddy. 
¨What? For real?¨
Eddy nodded. ¨Yeah, for real. He was crying. He asked me to tell you too, because he wants to talk about it but... well, you know yourself how hard it is to tell someone.¨
Brett nodded, his eyes very serious. 
¨Yeah, I do know. Jesus, Eddy, so then what? What did you say?¨
¨I... well, you're not gonna believe this either, but I told him that it was okay to feel that way. I told him everything Lily told me and.... and I believed it.¨
¨Whoa. That's a big step.¨
¨I know.¨ Eddy shook his head, because there were so many thoughts and feelings in it he felt like there just wasn't space for hem all. 
¨He said it helped, what I said.¨
Brett smiled.
¨Awesome. So... did it help you?¨ He looked at Eddy with the kindest, mildest eyes. 
¨Erm... yeah, I think it did, Brett. It did.¨

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