Stay safe!

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Hey guys! It's been about a year since I last posted anything but I'm sure everyone is affected by the virus in some way or another. Schools shutdown, so no end of the year trips, proms, or even graduation. Jobs are still limited and people are struggling to make ends meet. Some can't even take a walk without having a mask on and shortening their routes significantly to avoid getting infected. A few of my friends and family caught the virus and one of them unfortunately passed away. I was so depressed and angry after my friend became a victim to this vicious disease. They always struggled with being sick with getting colds or allergies, they didn't deserve to die because of this. If there's someone in your life that's infected or died, you can get through it. Every person will pass away at some point, so you should cherish those moments with those people, whether or not it's face-to-face or through virtual mediums like FaceTime, Snapchat, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. Stay safe, wash your hands and face after going outside, and we'll be able to survive this pandemic and come back stronger than ever.


P.S.: I want to try and write again while we're all stuck wherever we are. I'll happily take a few suggestions and I'll have a couple posted by the end of the week. 😁

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