Clear My Mind

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Basically AP World History and high school in general is kicking my ass. So I cleared all requests I had and decided to try working out a unofficial schedule. What I mean is my goal with be to upload at least a few times per month. I'm not guaranteeing I'll spend all my time working on each individual request, but I would try to take little bits of free time I have throughout the day and hopefully have a completed part; ideally in a week. Uploads will still be spaced out, but I will most likely upload on Fridays/Saturdays and holidays. Also, I've been watching and playing all the Sly Cooper games during the summer. I've always loved the series since I was about 7, around 2 years after I was introduced to Pokémon. So I'm planning to write a Sly Cooper X Reader book. I will write some stuff mainly for me, but if any of you grew up with the series as well, you may want to have a look at it. If you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, I HIGHLY suggest playing the series or at least watch a play through of it. Now, I'm saying I will have another go at accepting requests. For those who have been waiting and praying for this day, it has come. Just remember what I said about the unofficial schedule. Most likely at least 3-4 uploads per month, Fridays/Saturdays, holidays, or whenever I'm free. Thanks again for all of you who have stuck with me since the beginning of this book and everyone else along the way. Love ya all ❤️

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