"Why am I even telling you this?" I asked rubbing my temple.

"Because I am your brother. We are supposed to share stuff with each other," he said squeezing my hand.

"That position is earned not granted as easily as you think," I said raising my arms for him to help me up.

"What is going on there?" My father asked from the other room.

"Nothing father. Something fell from the counter but it's okay," answered Oliver.

"You know, I think I am going to call you Damon from now henceforth. Calling you Oliver just makes me feel as though I was disrespecting my father."

"Damon it is then. I actually kind of like it."

"Why did you tell him I would go tomorrow? I need to leave now," I said rushing to get my suitcase.

"You cannot leave now. If you do then father will get suspicious. Besides, you don't even have a plane ticket. It's nearly nighttime actually. I will call in a favour for you okay?" he said reassuringly. I nodded taking his advice.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he headed out the balcony.

"To call Demi," he said closing the door behind him.



"COME ON!" I probably sounded like a psycho yelling at my phone. This was the eleventh time I was calling Demetria and she was not picking. I was sure she was just staring her screen purposefully ignoring my calls. I tried again. Relationships are truly not for the fair hearted. My heart warmed when I heard her soft voice through the receiver.

"Demetria, finally"

"I only have a few minutes. I am at an interview so say whatever it is you were going to say quickly" Ouch.

"Demetria I am sorry. The only reason as to why you saw what you saw-"

"You mean when your mouth was devouring Aramina's?"

"Demi, come on, don't be so harsh about this"

"Harsh? I'm sorry, HARSH? Harsh was when I walked in on the two of you," she said venomously.

"Don't be like that Demetria, It's been five years. You know I love you," I felt as if I had used up all my energy into saying those words.

"Oh Olly, I love you too but I can't bring myself to understand why-"

"The only reason as to why I did it was because I felt some sort of connection towards Aramina. Turns out that she is actually my sister, half sister to be precise," I said. Demi was quiet for a while which had me asking, "are you still there?"

"You are really messed up"


"So let me get this straight, whenever you feel a connection with someone you kiss them? Or was it just your sister?"

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