"Well, i had to leave. Demi kicked me out and i kind of deserved it."

"Kicked you out? Why are you even whispering?"

"Because my father is in the next room and i wouldn't want him to know I'm talking to you."

"Wait, you went back to Carlifornia?"

"Not yet. I'm still in Los Angeles but i think i will be heading back soon. I don't have anything to do here"

"Juanita said you left with Oliver?"

"Yes. He gave me a ride to where i am staying. It's a long story. I'll tell you later. Tell your sister that i am really sorry"

"You said she kicked you out? Why would she do that?"

"Like i said, it's a long story. I will tell you sometime."

"Where are you? I could come over-"

"No! I will just talk to you later please."

"Okay be sure to call me." I said as the line went dead. Demi kicked Aramina out? I thought they were starting to be great friends what happened? I needed answers and only Demi could give them to me.

I took the stairs two at a time to Demi's room and knocked furiously at the door. Had i a right to be furious? This was not really my house. Even so,of course i had the right. My knocking became persistent and i heard something hit the door from the other side. I twisted the knob and much to my relief the door clicked open and i stormed into the room.

"What the hell Demetria?" I asked standing at the door. My eyes travelled to Demi's figure curled up on the bed facing the window-curtains. The room was dark, and i looked towards the curtains. They were not drawn. The purple comforter on her bed was draped mostly on the right side where her figure lay.

Her hair was sprawled on the white pillows beside her. The room was litered with used tissues and an extra box of them sat on her bedside table next to her phone. I heard her sniffle and all my anger melted to concern. I walked further into the room and stepped on the bottle of perfume she threw to the door earlier. It had broken in large pieces as the liquid dripped to the warm carpet. I bent down to pick the large pieces of glass and set them in the waste bin behind the door.

On making sure that there were no other remains of glass left on the carpet, i walked over to the bed and sat to Demi's back. She tried stifling her sniffles but i still caught them. I lay next to her and held her shoulder as i rubbed her arm rhythmically.

"What happened?" My question seemed to make her cry harder and i bit my lip. I had always been a sentimental guy and seeing my sister in this position nearly made my tears fall.

"Demi.." I said slowly making her turn towards me and hug me crying harder to my chest.

"It's okay, relax," I repeated severally comforting her. I did not know for how long we lay there as i rubbed Demetria's back. I lost track of time and i thought i half slept.

"I found them kissing at the front porch. Oliver and Aramina," Demi said breaking the silence. What?

"I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding."

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