Keyword, hoping.

"Chimin, what the hell are you talking about?" Jimin suddenly snaps, his shoulders sagged.

"I'm asking did you put anything on your hair before you left dumbass!" Chimin was laid in his bed but he sat his head up annoyed that his brother was paying him no mind. "I didn't dye your hair yesterday for you to not take care of it."

"Oh shit the hell up, of course I put moisturizer on it." Jimin takes his hat off, threading a hand through his newly blonde, flat ironed hair. He wasn't making himself presentable for you or anything. He just honestly wanted to feel as if he was starting over.

No more black hair, no more lying. No more being possessive and impossible to cooperate with. He was gonna tell you this all, and he truthfully was itching to let it flow.

"You better have," Chimin sighs in the phone, finally sitting his head back down as he looks around his room. "What exactly are you telling Y/n?"

The older twin likes the fact that Chimin was changing the subject, except for the fact that it was on something he was about to go and do. "That Ryujin's not pregnant after all, and that I want him back."

"Jimin you can't just say you want him back, It's not only your choice." Chimin scolds him, his forehead creased.

"Aish, shit I didn't mean to say it like that." Jimin huffs, his hand going to face palm himself.

"I meant to say, that I would like to have him back? Us back together, and i'm willing to wait for whatever. If he doesn' know want me back, then i'd be fine with that. As long as he's happy with whomever he's with."

Chimin just sits, head looking at the ceiling as he hears his brother sigh in the phone. Your relationship was so complicated for the longest, but it was also regular and sweet.

But unfortunately, a while ago you shut it down, tired of all the bullshit and at this point Jimin was trying to get you back. He didn't know what would happen, and shit, neither did Jimin. But the elder was gonna try, and if whatever happens, would be up to you.


You were sat at the table, looking at your watch and rolling your eyes at Jimins lateness. How the hell was he so late when he was the one begging for this to happen? and you know you gave him thirty minutes but it's already been ten.

You take a sip of your coke, a faint smile on your face from the coldness falling down your throat. When you push your cup away your eyes glance at the seat Jimin is supposed to be in and you eye the cherry soju you ordered for him.

Picking it up and holding the bottle to your mouth you take a sip, but quickly pull it away, your face squeezed in a sour expression. Gosh you were so happy you weren't really a drinker.

"Why would you drink it and you know you hate the cherry kind?"

You look over your shoulder and spot Jimin. He definitely looked good. He had glasses on, a leather jacket and a bucket hat. Now yes, Jimin has always been attractive but today he just seemed even more charming. Well? nah, maybe it was just the fact that you haven't seen him in a while.

"I got bored, cause you're late." You say as you watch Jimin sit down, a half-smile on his face.

Before even speaking he takes a sip of the soju, puts it down and looks at you. "Thanks for the drink."

Promise [약속] | PJM ✓Where stories live. Discover now