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You wake up with a yawn, legs tangled with jimins. You look up at him and see his eyes closed but yet they were fluttering like he had woken up and was trying to go back to sleep. You smile, you loved waking up in jimins arms.

"hyung" you snuggle into jimins chest more and he replies with a hum, eyes still close. You smile at him and pecks his lips before making your way out the bed. "Go back to sleep, i'm gonna go to the restroom" you say.

He just gives you a tired smile before turning over and wrapping himself in the cover. You giggle at him then go to your drawer finding one of jimins big shirts. You throw it onto yourself along with a pair of clean briefs and make your way out the door.

It was a nice day today, The sun was blazing in the living room and you could hear the birds chirping. You were glad that you, taehyung and chimin moved from the dorms and into your own apartment. You had much more freedom to do what you wanted and plus it was much nicer over where you had stayed.
Also, you could take a lucky guess that you were the only one up. You didn't hear any movement, the house was very quiet. You also didn't know if chimin and taehyung was there because the last time you were out of your room was yesterday morning you know? before you got 'busy' with yourself in your bedroom.

Going into the restroom you clean up a bit. Seeing the pink and purple marks on your neck though you blush it out and continue to brush you teeth and make your face a little bit presentable for the day. Once you were done you step out of the restroom and walk into the kitchen on your search for food. You looked through the cabinets and fridge, looking for something to cook because you didn't want plain cereal today.

You hear a door crack open, and you didn't feel the need to turn around because you had already guessed it was one of the boys or your boyfriend. You hear it open wider and then the door shuts quietly. Taking your hand through your hair you sigh as you only see pancake mix and eggs, grabbing the pancake mix to put onto the counter.

"Oppa" You shriek jumping and also knocking the pancake mix out of your hand as it slammed on the floor. You wince, you hope that didn't wake anyone up.

Turning around you see yoonmi standing behind you, bright smile on her face. "Good morning y/n oppa, i'm sorry if i scared you." the nine year old said. You really, really hoped she wasn't here last night you didn't want to traumatize her from the sounds you and jimin were making.

"No, no yoonmi you didn't scare me at all" you smile, you reach to give her a hug and she happily returns it before bending down grabbing the pancake mix and handing it to you.


She just smiles and walks over to the fridge opening it. "How long have you been here yoonmi? got here yesterday?"

She closes it and shakes her head. "No, daddy dropped me off to taehyung oppa because he had something to do"

"Ah" You say in relief. "Is taehyungie awake?"

"No, he fell asleep a while ago but when he turned cartoons on for me but i got bored" she pouts. You laugh, seeing the realness in her face. You really could see namjoon in her, you've never seen her mom but you knew thats were she got her melanin and beautiful features from.

"You wanna help me cook for the boys?" you ask and she just nods smiling.

Both of you began pulling out the supplies for the food and begin cooking it. You could say you've gotten better since the last time you were cooking, you didn't have a burnt stash this time because all the pancakes came out perfect. Once you got done with the eggs, from the help of yoonmi of course you began making plates and it was like they could smell the food because chimin, and taehyung were now walking out of their rooms.

"Goodmorning hyungs." you gave them each a plate and smiled. "Ah thankyou and good morning to you too" Chimin winks at you and your feel your face grow pink. He walks over to the couch , since you guys had yet to get a dining table and begans to eat.

"Hyung is yoongi here also?" you ask over to him and he just nods in response his mouth full of food. "Yoonmi" you turn around and look at her as she was getting taehyungs plate.

"yes oppa?" she asks.

"when you're done, could you make your uncle yoongi a plate too?"

"Yes of course!" She babbles. You just smile at her and turn to taehyung. She gives him his plate and he returns with a kiss on the top of her head. "Thankyou baby"

You coo at the sight. Taehyung and namjoon had been dating for about four years now, taehyung being around yoonmi since she was about five. You notice how they had grown a father and daughter type relationship but neither of them acted on it. Taehyung once said that he didn't want to seem like he was stepping in the way of her mother and the fact that he was still young but you would always shush him and remind him how much yoonmi truly loved him.

"You're welcome" she smiles, before turning back to the counter. You grab your plate, you and taehyung going over to the couch next to chimin.

"So? how was last night? i know you haven't gotten dick since like december" Taehyung laughs as he picks up a piece of egg putting it into his mouth.

You roll your eyes at your bestfriend, a smile ghosting over your lips. "amazing as always" you mumble. You wanted to say more but you seen yoonmi walking over to the small living room table in front of you.

"He's telling the truth" all four of you turn your head over to jimin who had his head poked out from your bedroom door. You could see his chest where he clearly had no shirt on and you felt your face flush.

Chimin stood and rolled his eyes pushing his brother back into the room. "There's a child in here dimwit put on a shirt"

Jimin just closed the door and after a while he had came out in a shirt and some joggers. As you look down you had also remembered you had no pants on and your eyes grew wide. Standing up you sit your food on the counter before running in your room to put on some pants. When you walk out your boyfriend was eating your food.

"Jimin! your foods literally on the counter!" you whine in a bratty way watching him eat the last swallow of your pancakes off your plate. "Shit my bad i didn't know" he mutters, smiling a cautious smile at you. He picks the plate up and dumps it into the trash going over to the plate you had actually fixed for him. He offers it to you and you just shake your head. "eat it, i'm not hungry" you mutter, arms crossed.

"oh please, you brat. Just eat it" he puts the plate in your hand and takes some eggs off of it before walking into the restroom.

"You owe me two pancakes!" you snap at him.

"I'm taking you out soon so shush it doesn't matter!" He yells from the inside of the restroom. You just huff and go over to the couch, yoonmi was on taehyung lap, his hand running through her hair as the small girls eyes were flickering open and closed.

"When she's alseep you're telling me about last night hm?"

"duh" you giggle to him

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