"The point is, what started with me and her is not finished." Jimin rubbed his sweaty hands on his jeans. "And it won't be finished for another six months"

"Oh shit" Hoseok muttered, knowing exactly what he meant.


"Hyung? .. You there?"

"Yeah..Y/n, You ready to walk across..across the stage?" Jungkook said, he was clearly trying his best to talk, you could hear him running out of breath, coughing every now and then.

"Yes hyung, I really wish you could be there watching me." You sighed, your hands going up to rub your eyes.

"I wish I could be there too, but i-i can't"

"I know hyung, it's fine" You smiled, genuinely.

"How's your treatment going? are the doctors treating you well?"

Jungkook started to speak, his breath labored, "It's not going so, — kaff! kaff!" He interrupted himself with a cough, now coughing hysterically, and gasping for air.

"Hyung?" You panicked. "Hyung!?"

You hear jin in the background as he talked to jungkook and soothed him.

"Hyung are you okay?"

A couple of shuffles later, Jins voice was coming from the other side of the speaker. "Hey, y/n?"

"Yes? Jin hyung?"

"Yeah, Jungkooks gonna call you back okay? He can't speak too well right now" Jins eyes were wet, and you could tell he was crying from the sniffling he was doing every now and then.

"Okay, but be honest with me for a second?" You fiddled with you fingers in anxiousness. "Is he gonna be okay?"

"I don't know"


"And what the hell do you have to tell so bad that I had to come over here to this piece of shit?" Chimin had his hands on his hips, neck rolling in sassiness as he looked around his twins room.

"Shut the hell up and sit down."


"Chimin, please" Jimin sighed, not wanting to fuss with the pink haired male.

Chimin complied and took a seat on the edge of the bed, the black haired followed behind him. "Okay, so i have to tell you something"

"And that is?" Chimin questioned, lines forming between his eyebrows. Jimin had called him out of nowhere and rushed him to come over to his dorm. And no, jimin wasn't that high anymore but he definitely was a still little buzzed.

"Something" Jimin avoided eye contact, looking around his room before matching eyes with chimin. "I'm only telling you this because I trust you as my twin brother, and I don't want you to say anything." Jimin scratched his neck, a nervous tic he has came around to doing.

"I just have to get it off my chest before I explode."

"Okay, now you're making me nervous." Chimins mouth twisted. "Who is this about?"


"Oh nope! Don't tell me!" Chimin hopped up from his seat covering his ears. "If it's a surprise i'm gonna tell him! i'm ass at keep secrets like that!"

"It's not a surprise sit down!"

"Are you sure?" He asked for affirmation, pointing a finger at jimin.

"Yes" Chimin sat back down waiting a bit impatiently for jimin to say what he was gonna say.

"So what i'm about to tell you now i ask that you don't get mad. Or! tell him."

"Jimin what did you do" Chimin grunted.

Even though jimin was his brother, you were his best friend and he did not tolerate your sweet ass getting hurt.

"Seriously! Don't get mad! It was a mistake and she r-"

"What did you do!?—"

"I got a girl pregnant!"


oof, short chapter but someone spilled the beans.

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