Chapter 27

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Word count: 2013

I'm done with exams. Now to proceed with my books. 😘😍

Diego's POV


We left the graduation venue late that day and Kara had left with Stephano while I had to see Adrian's family off to the airport. Let's just say my girl had been an emotional mess when she parted with her family at the airport.

Fast forward to a week and few days later and we're alighting my car, right in front of this five star restaurant. Guess who was suddenly so happy for no apparent reason today that she even asked me out on a date? Yep, my girl.

"I'm paying." She said as the security guard opened the door for us to come in.


She cut me off with a look that bid no argument. "No Diego, don't argue this one with me. I want to take care of you and you don't have to spend a penny. Tonight, let me handle it."

Take care of me...she didn't know how I wanted her to take care of me but it was okay. I was the one holding out in that aspect. She was ready to take the next step even if I told her I wanted her right now.

"Okay baby." I decided not to argue with her about this and we found a good spot to sit, in a secluded part of the restaurant. Just then, a waiter approached us and greeted, smiling.

I nodded at him while Adrian replied him with a smile of her own.

"What would you like to have sir and ma'am?" He looked from her to me and back to my girl.

Adrian shook her head. "We're yet to go through the menu. Just give us a glass of Dells champagne for now and then we'll call you again in like twenty minutes."

"Okay ma'am. Just press this bell right here when you're ready to order and we'll attend to you right away." The waiter told us, pointing at the green button at the center of the table and then he excused himself.

"So, do you like this place?" Adriana looked around while asking.

"Yes. You?"

I was captivated with her bright smile, realizing that I loved it whenever she was in a good mood. I hated it whenever she was sad or upset, no matter what the issue was.

She deserved to be happy at all times. And she had a beautiful heart.

She nodded at my question, licking her lower lip.

The waiter brought our wine just then and smiled at us, making sure to let his eyes stay a little bit longer on Adrian and I squinted. It wasn't the waiter from earlier but a younger one with chestnut hair and a nose ring. He looked like he was transfixed with her beauty and my fist clenched at the audacity of that gaze of his, on my woman.

"She's beautiful, isn't she? Very beautiful that she has the two men at the table captivated." I told him with a smile.

"Er, my apologies sir." He rushed out and his eyes immediately moved over to the glass cup. He stood straight, nodding and apologizing before scurrying away.

Adrian giggled. "You didn't have to do that. He was only being nice with the curt smile."

"Yeah." My eyes darkened at her obliviousness. "Nice enough to eye your face, and possibly your delicate lips. You don't know what we men think in our mind when we eye a woman that way." I retorted, frowning.

She had no response to this, except for licking her lower lip and chuckling.

I leaned into the table and gently traced her lower lip with my thumb, enjoying her expression when her breath stuttered. Her eyes rested on mine, her breath slow as she stilled, as if afraid I would stop what I was doing if she moved.

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