Chapter 31

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Word count: 1482

Adrian's POV

"What's there to discuss about you? We were talking about one of my ex girlfriends who recently wants to get back with me. I should be on my way home now. Take care ladies."

I didn't even say anything when he mentioned his ex girlfriend but instead I was waiting for him to cool down so we could talk in private so Kara wouldn't know of our private matters.

I'd always hated the idea of others knowing about my relationships or lack of, even my own brother and best friend, Kara.

But, was that all I really was to him?

Had he lied about everything?

Does he even truly love me?

If we ever had an argument again in the future, would he always find a way to run into the arms of another woman?

"I'm leaving Kara. I have something urgent to attend to. I'll see you tomorrow." I pecked Kara's cheek in a hurry. She was telling me about some Benjamin Coquito bags and shoe collection that she and Stephano had gotten when they flew to Paris but that was the least of my concerns at the moment.

"But I haven't shown you the dresses and make-up kit-"

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Something just came up. Take care."

I picked my bag and left in a hurry, with different thoughts circulating in my mind.

My eyes stung but I didn't allow the tears follow. I wouldn't cry, I was stronger than that. Taking fast strides, I stepped out of the mansion and unlocked my car, getting in.

My fist collided with the steering wheel twice and I groaned, resting my head on the head rest.

Fishing for my phone, I unlocked it and checked his last message again. No, her last message.

Where was he?

Did he truly sleep with her?

My stomach coiled and churned at the thought.

No, he wouldn't. He wouldn't do this to me. He promised me he'd be mine alone and I would also be his alone. He promised!

My throat felt tight as my gaze slid back to my mobile phone.

🖤: *Now my body's all sore and ugh. Handle your issue with your man so he won't feel insecure and run into another woman's arms...bitch*

My eyes kept moving over each line as I reread the words as if I was reading a foreign language and couldn't comprehend them. 

We only had a little argument...yet he'd already wormed his way into the arms of another woman.

Did I make him feel insecure? That was never my intention. He should've just discussed this with me instead of leaving.

My phone started ringing again and I glared at the screen. Diego. That bastard!


"Adrian, baby it's not what you think. I can swear it."

I cursed under my breath, realizing how slightly croaky my voice had gotten after the screaming session I just had.

"Diego. I trusted you. I believed you when you made all the promises about not betraying me, about how you'd always be there, never making me feel so down and all that. Why would you even do this to me?"

"Fuck. Baby, I promise you that it isn't-"

"You've already made so many promises yet you still managed to do this. Was it Cindy?"

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