Chapter 9

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Word count: 2076

Tell me where you're from. I've guessed so many countries...sigh.


"So, what do you want to do today?" Diego asked me as we both got in and shut the door. After we went to the hospital yesterday, he was told he had stomach bugs due to something he ate, nothing serious and he was now taking medication to treat it.

But that didn't stop me from staying the whole day with him and also spending the night. We'd have gone clubbing since yesterday was Friday but after the way I saw him react in his bathroom, not on my watch.

He needed to stay at home and get proper rest.

The poor thing, I couldn't bear to see him alone in this whole apartment.

"Have you forgotten Paul is coming over tomorrow?" I asked him, dropping the grocery bag on the table and digging in to pick a bar of snickers.

I moaned at the taste. We'd just gotten back from the cafe nearby, since we couldn't go there to get the coffee we so much desired after what happened yesterday and we'd also stopped by the store to get some little items and groceries we might need.

"I remember, dummy. I'm asking you what you want to With me."

I rolled my eyes at his tone.

It seemed the only thing I ever did with Diego when I wasn't devouring him with my eyes was me rolling them.

"Erm, why don't we cuddle?" I eyed his naked chest and blinked, looking away quickly while I decided to turn on the TV and see if any interesting thing was going on there.

He was already pulling me to sit between his thighs as I made the suggestion and digging his nose into my neck. His arms swiftly wrapped around my body.

"You love my body that much, I see?" His voice had gone an octave lower.

I shuddered, feeling my body heat up in all the right places.

"I can't deny that fact." I licked my lips but refrained from trailing my hands over his toned body. If he flipped me over the center glass table and pulled down my skirt and pantie right now to start pounding into me from behind, I wouldn't even have an objection.

Yes, I was that shameless when it came to Diego.

His grey eyes assessed me as I turned around and felt his forehead. Diego rolled his eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes, I'm checking your temperature."

"You're being a mummy. I left one in California and another one at Alfonsi's mansion..oh yes, there's Kara too at your dorm. Don't even start with the mummy duties again." He grumbled.

"Speaking of which, I haven't even told Kara when I'll be returning today. But I called her last night though."

"She'll be fine. She has her stony faced boyfriend watching over her." He chuckled.

I cackled at his comment. Stephano truly used to be Mr stone faced, or at least that was what Kara made me believe.

What I knew though, was that he loved her to the moon and back. "What does it even feel like having that man as your boss?"

"It's pretty normal. We don't see...or we didn't use to see each other till he discovered I was Kara's twin. Do you know he hated me so much back then?" Diego frowned as if the idea of someone hating him was utterly appalling.

"I hated you too then Diego, you just couldn't get the memo."

"What memo?" He pecked my cheek and chuckled when I smacked his left thigh. I couldn't stop the smile that curled over my lips at his sweet act even if I tried.

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