Chapter 4

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Word count: 2451

My shout out goes to Vietnam and Philippines. You guys rock!


"Are you ready kids?"

"Aye aye captain!"

"I can't hear you."

"Aye aye captain!"

"Ooh. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" Kara's cheerful voice rang out.

I looked up at Kara and Mimi. We'd just finished breakfast and surprisingly enough, I and Diego hadn't spoken to each other. Or...tried to bite each others head off, which was good.

We all knew I would be the one doing the biting off while he would be the one running for his dear life.

"Sponge Bob square pants!" The deep voice came from the kitchen entrance to join us, interrupting me just when I would have replied that line. We all stopped singing as we turned around to face who'd just interrupted our play time with Armando, Mimi's son.

Well, the smile on my face slipped.

Mimi and Kara were still playing with Armando who was now running with his little chubby legs.

I straightened, realizing there was no need for me to continue to stay in that position with my butt protruded while I crouched since Armando had ran off somewhere with Kara and Mimi.

Diego had changed from blue to red shirt that hugged his torso perfectly. He was still in jeans and his hair had been combed, unlike it was before breakfast.

"Oh, you're here too!" I squealed unenthusiastically.

"Yep. I'll be here till...maybe this evening. My mom wants me to stay for a day more but I don't think someone else here appreciates my presence. And I don't really fancy the idea of a lady getting upset, I'm a complete gentleman." He told me with a blank blank.

It was confusing when he did that, because he was always smiling whenever he spoke to me, even the times I would ignore him. But now, I couldn't read any expression, not that I really cared or anything.

I shook my head. That 'someone' he'd just mentioned, who didn't appreciate his presence was none other than me. It didn't take rocket science to find that out.

"I would never come between you and Natalia. Not like I have any business with you." I stated with a grim expression.

"Oh, I get it. You just don't like me." He shrugged. I moved from the zinc and took a seat on the kitchen stool, only taking my eyes off him for a brief moment and focusing my concentration back on him after I was seated.

"Not everyone will like you, lover boy. Get used to it." I calmly explained.

He chuckled and came to sit opposite me. " like me too much and you just don't know how to wrap your head around that idea." He murmured and I caught a whiff of his cologne as it caressed my nostrils.

I glared at him and he raised his arms up in surrender. "Woah, I was only kidding around. We'll probably be going out soon, to do something fun. Maybe you should change into something more comfortable."

"Thank you, I'll do that. But it's none of your business." I scoffed and just then, Kara returned. "Where's Mimi?" I asked.

"She went to clean him up. Apparently, he'd soiled his pants."

Kara walked over and linked her arm around Diego's elbow. I watched the two and smiled a little, wondering if I was usually like that whenever I was with Daniel, my brother.

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