Chapter 42

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Word count: 2337


Adriana's POV


Trying to slowly get back together with Diego was like trying to mix oil and water. I just couldn't get that synchronization.

It had been three weeks now and I feared I would slip back into that dark place I'd tried my possible best to crawl out from.

I was trying, but the thoughts coming weren't nice. They were thoughts about how incompetent I was. I couldn't do anything right. Even the best thing that happened to me, my relationship, I had ruined it.

Diego always told me I has a beautiful soul and I didn't blacken things.

That was currently one of the lifelines I was holding to at the moment.

Sighing, I relaxed into my office chair and rested my head, thinking of what to do. I was blank. I couldn't get any inspiration on my designs or on my relationship blog.

Thoughts of Diego was all that clouded my mind.

I picked my phone from the table and clicked on my messenger, sending him a message.

Adrian: *hey.*

Drumming my left fingers on my lips, I waited for him to reply but it didn't come. After five minutes, I decided to give it another go.

Adrian: *are you there?*

This time, there was still no response after twenty minutes. My breath came out shakily and my eyes burned as tears threatened to escape them.

Looking up at the ceiling, I blinked rapidly.

I needed to do something. Diego would've replied my texts before, but now he never did. I couldn't bare to lose him. I would lose a part of myself, forever.

Getting up from my chair, I paced my office and dabbed at my sides, wondering what I could do to get his attention.

Then I got an idea and that had me standing still.

Hopefully it would work. It better work.

I prayed it would.

Frantically picking my phone, I dialed his number. The fear of him not picking already had my hands trembling even as I waited, holding my breath in anticipation.

He picked at the third ring. 

"Hello?" His voice sounded foreign. A piece of my heart broke but I knew I deserved it so I had no objections whatsoever.

"Diego, please help me. I'm begging you, you're the only one I can ask please." I sobbed desperately, hating myself for doing this but also steeling my resolve because that was all I could do at the moment.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He sounded cold but also startled.

"They're after me Diego. Please, help me." I cried.

Wow, I should win an Oscar for my acting skills.

I could hear a thud on the other side and I wondered if he was okay over there. "Who's after you Adrian? Calm down. What happened? Where are you?"

"I'm at my of-" I paused and frowned, mentally scolding myself for my almost slipup. Okay, I take back the Oscars award. "I'm just down the street at my new residence. These guys have been stalking me for a while now. I don't know who they are but they look really dangerous. I was fortunate to rush into my car when I spotted them lurking two houses away."

"Have you told Kara-" I shook my head frantically and bit my lower lip. He wanted me to go to Kara's place.

No. A big resounding no!

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