Chapter 5

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Word count: 2362

Double update. I love y'all!

My shout out goes to USA and Nigeria!

Want a shout out? Comment the name of your country ❤


Stephano helped Kara fix her hair immediately we alighted the ride. My smile was wide, since I and Kara started giggling while people were screaming at the top of their lungs.

There was this jittery feeling in my stomach, it was really nice.

It was as if the pain from before was never there. I felt calm and even happy. Relaxed. It was a good feeling.

"Where next?" Diego asked, sounding bored.

My hand was still in his and I didn't bother pulling away. It felt nice to just have fun...without being sexually connected to him, of course. My mind drifted to a particular memory I couldn't part with...I shook my head.

That was years back, and it was with a stranger.

"The horror game room." Kara replied.

A group was just leaving and a girl with ginger hair was holding onto a guy's arm. She looked pretty shaken, promoting a chuckle from me. It wouldn't be that bad.

Since we were a group of four and we were the only ones available, we decided to go in together. Kara wasn't as eager as I was because she kept a close distance to Stephano.

I on the other hand, slowly slipped my hand out of Diego's. He didn't even look my way and it was fine. We were told how many rooms were there and given some other details which the staff member thought was necessary.

"This should be fun." I chirped.

"Let's split up. I'll go this way with Kara, I think this is the zombie's house. You'll go that way with Adrian..." Stephano told us while facing Diego.

"Cool." Diego muttered.

I didn't even wait for Diego as I dashed forward as if I usually came here regularly and knew every corner.

There were weird noises, screams and laughter. Some were from far away while some were close by. I found myself chuckling at the incredulity of the whole thing. I wasn't even scared one bit.

I heard a whisper and turned around. My heart skipped a beat when I didn't see Diego.


"Keep going. Hahahaha!" A deep, entrancing voice spoke before the evil laughter followed.

I laughed a little too. This was all a game, I couldn't get scared.

I moved into another room where two vampires were making out. The lights were all green in here, unlike the hallway lights which were blue. The male vampire bit the female and tore her neck.

Blood splattered everywhere, to my horror. My eyes widened and I tried to hold my breath when the male vampire pushed the female off and sniffed the air. Then he spotted me and started making his way towards me.

Filled with dread, I slammed the door shut and backed away, only to be grabbed by the waist.

My scream filled the air as I struggled from the person without waiting to check who or what it was before running.

Some weird looking creatures were walking on the wall and hissing. It looked like they were naked, I couldn't tell from the lights which was now constantly changing to different colors and I was beginning to freakout.

I dashed into another room. It was empty, except for the wardrobe that was at the left corner and far away from the door.

The door suddenly opened and a harlequin look alike dashed out of it, running towards me with her ear deafening laughter.

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