Chapter 33

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Word count: 2448

Adrian's POV


Am I over thinking things or not? I actually think I'm being too lenient on Diego.

I mean, he offered sex when he came over last night and sex with him is something I always look forward to but he hurt me. I knew he was going to fuck me, he had that look in his eyes and I still allowed him to do so.

I sighed, looking down at my best friend who kept fussing over nothing. I'd think about Diego later. This is Kara's time.

"I kept it here, in my third jewelry box. I could've sworn I kept it there."

"What is it now?" I asked for the twelve thousandth time.

"My- Stephano got me a necklace with this silver pendant on my birthday. I can't find it." She panicked.

"Have you checked your drawer?"


"Okay baby, just calm down. We'll look for it together." I started checking the drawers unhurriedly.

"We better." She huffed.

Then her phone rang and she picked it, putting it on speaker.

"Stephano...thank goodness you called. I'm freaking out. I can't find the necklace you bought as my birthday present and then my make-up artist is just leaving the damn house when she should've been here earlier and then Adrian has been acting like a witch and then someone-"

"Baby. Calm down."

Kara sniffed even though there were no tears in her eyes and I sighed again in worry. I'd blame the wedding jitters.

"Do you want me to come over?" Stephano was quick to ask.

"I'm good. I'm fine. Are you already at the church?" Kara smiled.


"You better have a good reason for fixing the wedding at ten o'clock! It's too early...and even the engagement we had two weeks ago wasn't this early." She whined.

"I do. I have a good reason. I can't wait for us to exchange vows." Stephano confessed.

My eyes widened. Why was I listening to this? They were making me miss my boyfriend with all the sweetness in the air. Subconsciously, I picked my phone and clicked on our chat, already typing a message.

But then I halted. We just got back together and I didn't want to look desperate for his attention. Sighing at my predicament, I went to the gallery to stare at his pictures.

"Okay. I can't wait too." Kara was still speaking with Stephano when a slightly bumpy Rachael entered the room, slamming the door shut and throwing all the lingeries she got Kara on the bed. "I'm on an important call you bitch! Can't it wait? I can still cut your long cherished ginger hair in your sleep and make your bodyguard boyfriend despise you a teeny bit, Rachael. Don't joke with me...okay, yes I like that panty color with the cute rope at the front. Hmm, wait-" she told Rachael. "I have to go Stephano. We'll see at church okay?"

"Okay my wife-to-be. Choose the red lace lingerie set. I sent Adrian to get the extra and she snuck it into your bag." Stephano told her softly.

I exchanged a look with Rachael and we both giggled. Kara and her man were so darn cute. Who would believe she could turn such a ruthless businessman into a lovestruck man whom she now had wrapped around her pinkie?

"Stephano! You're so cheesy. I'll hang up now love." She purred and I feigned a gag. Nope, their love would never not give me sugar rush.

"Okay." He ended the call and Kara threw her phone on the bed and started checking the new set of lingeries. Literally all her undies were in red.

Billionaire's Spitfire ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora