Chapter 2

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My shoutout goes to Micronesia, Perth Western Australia 🇦🇺 and France. 🤗

Comment here if you want a shoutout for your country


I woke up to the feel of something fluffy caressing my face. Groaning, I turned around but it just wouldn't stop.

Groggily, I turned to my left in annoyance, refusing to open my eyes. The featherlight tickles didn't stop. "Go away..." I groaned.

"Happy new year." Of course that happened to be my best friend's elated voice. I internally rolled my eyes.

"Hmm." I mumbled. This didn't feel like the bundle of joy new years usually brought to people's doorsteps and I didn't want to have a part in any stupid celebration. Not when I was still mourning my beloved, my boyfriend.


A week ago, we'd been fine. Lucas was in good shape, his face had been as bright as ever, he even smiled and laughed around, smiles that created promises on their own. And now he was lying in the ground, six feet underground. Dead, lifeless.

The promises in those smiles would never be fulfilled.

Lucas was supposed to help me pick he outfit I would be wearing on my first outing this year. After having dinner at Kara's place, we were supposed to go for an event he had been invited to by a fellow business associate.

Now all that was left were memories.

Of his smile.

His eyes.

His gruff voice.

The way he felt inside me.

The way he cuddled and hugged me. The way his eyes would light up whenever I did something he found adorable.

The feel of his arms wrapping around me whenever I decided to cook for us instead of us ordering takeouts.

His stares, the sound of his laughter, how he chuckled whenever he would tap my forehead or nose whenever I said something stupid.

Bile rose in my throat.

This didn't feel like new year to me. The bitterness, the sadness, the solemn feeling of knowing I wouldn't wake up snuggled in Lucas's embrace, it hit home.

"How do you feel?" Kara whispered with a clearly sad tone when she noticed my gloomy expression and I ignored her.

Despite the sad tone, her eyes were glinting with the brightness that accompanied new year celebrations and new year spirit. I was happy for her, genuinely happy. She had a mom who loved her very much and also the most loving boyfriend one could ask for. He spoiled her silly.

Stephano Alfonsi would go to hell and back just to make sure no harm came Kara's way. Just like my Lucas used to do, before death bitterly snatched him away from me.

I shut my eyes to keep the ache forming in my temple away. Then I hissed. 

Why did she part the curtains? The brightness was too annoying.

"How do you feel Adrian? Should I get you some advils? Talk to me, I'm worried." she rambled on in that voice I so much hated and loved at the same time. She could be a whiny thing sometimes.

The thought brought a tiny smile to my lips for a second.

I opened my eyes and shot Kara an irritated look when she kept looming over my head with curious eyes.

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