Chapter 30

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Word count: 2439

Diego's POV


Kara arrived with Stephano a few hours ago. After some chit chat, he excused himself to go up and have a discussion with my mom in her room and so far, Adrian had been trying to get Kara to talk about their sex life.

Or lack of therefore, because I could very well tell that she still acted and spoke like a virgin. Even her body language was awkward immediately my girlfriend brought up the 'dingly dingly' topic.

Sighing, I fumbled with the Rubik's cube in my hands.


She stopped mid speech and sat well so she was facing me. "Yeah?"

"Help me get something from your room. I dropped my wristwatch somewhere on the counter the other time."

She frowned. "I didn't notice any wristwatch there when I-"

"Then check the drawer beside your bed. I must've dropped it somewhere there."

She nodded and went to check it but not before giving Kara a mischievous stare. "Avoid the topic all you want but I'll get what I want from you."

She huffed and climbed up the stairs.

I went to join Kara on the couch. "Hey little sis."

She rolled her eyes. "Hi big bro. Sage. Grandpa. Since you want to stick to calling me little like you yourself are so big."

"How's life treating you? How does it feel being engaged?" I patted her head.

My question brought a smile to her face. "Very nice actually. I can't believe I'm now engaged. Also to a caring, loving and understanding man like Stephano. He's always attentive to my needs. It's just so...beautiful."

I side hugged her. "I'm so happy for you. I want you to always be happy and I know Stephano is a good man."

"Yes. Sometimes, I feel like I don't deserve him. He's so spontaneous and likes fun things while I'm just lil 'ol boring Kara and like to read documentaries and articles and ugh. There's sometimes the fear that he might get tired of me, you know?" She casted me a worried glance and I gave her a look of bewilderment.

This twin sister of mine was really clueless.

"Don't over think it Kara. Stephano is into you and you alone. If I had a woman looking at me the way he was looking at you, with that I-want-to-worship-you-and-also-bend-you-over-all-the-time look, I'd have put the ring on their finger." I told her truthfully.

An image suddenly flashed before my eyes. An image of Adrian in my room, in my shirt and boy shorts, smiling up at me with her face bare of makeup.

Her radiant smile always found a way to melt all my worries.

My breath hitched.

But then my heart was calm as realization dawned upon me. Adrian was definitely my final stop. I could never look any other woman the way I did her.

Adrian's light footsteps followed as she alighted the stairs and Kara looked her way, then her brows furrowed.

"You dropped it on the bed. Careless thing." She pointed the wristwatch at me.

"Adrian, please help me with a cup of milk. It's in the freezer." Kara told her ever so sweetly.

"Am I your servant now or what? You both are courting death!" She commented and threw the wristwatch on the chair before walking to the kitchen.

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