Chapter 36

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Word count: 2590

Adrian's POV


You know what?

Maybe I'm not as 'stable' as I thought I was. Maybe I need a break from my relationship so I can actually focus on myself. I'm human okay? I have feelings too.

And right now, those feelings have been deeply hurt.

I'm tired of constantly feeling choked up. I deserve to love and be loved, without lies or deceit or having my feelings getting constantly tested. I deserve to feel genuine love without wondering if that phrase about me 'blackening things' would ruin it. I deserve to be happy and I need to find that happiness.

Maybe Italy is no longer the place for me. Maybe Diego isn't the one for me.

Maybe I'll blacken him gradually and then everything will be for naught at the end.

Maybe going back to New York and having a fresh start is the best option.

After spending thirty something minutes in my car, I rested my head on the steering wheel and gazed blankly at my feet which was resting on the pedal.

"I want you to promise me one thing, baby."

I found myself looking into his eyes and resting my chin on his chest so I could comfortably rest on him. He looked so serious right now but I tried not to panic and instead, decided to trust him, regardless of whatever the case might be.

"Anything. Tell me."

"Promise me that if anyone ever says anything, anything at all, you'll always clarify it from me. If you hear anything from anyone, you will hear my side of the story before acting up. Promise me baby."

"I...Diego, okay I promise. I will listen to you first if anyone says anything to me. I promise." I murmured, feeling sad that he couldn't tell me whatever was happening in his life.

"There's my girl. Thank you for trusting me. It means a lot to me."

A gasp escaped my lips as I replayed the scene several times in my head, wondering if they were related to Cindy. 

Was that all that there was to it or was there more? Did he tell me to trust him just for the sake of it or because Cindy was pregnant and he wanted to sort it out? Did Cindy already visit his dad in Italy to tell him that she was carrying his baby?  

My lips trembled and a low cry escaped my lips, my heart constricting in my chest as I felt an intense pain spreading through me.

" should've told me. I would've handled it better had I heard it from you than now when I heard it from Cindy." I sobbed, raising my head up to grip the wheels and punch it weakly.

After some seconds, I finally calmed down. My head was throbbing but I looked up at the rear mirror and came to my conclusion. I would have to deal with this and get it out of the way.

I brought my phone and caressed the screen which had Diego's picture on it as my screen saver.

Sighing, tears began to flow down my cheeks again.

Did I truly love Diego? If so, why couldn't I get over the fact that he'd just impregnated his ex-lover?

Maybe I should ask him about it, maybe I was just torturing myself.

Sure he'd asked me to trust him but it was hard to do that right now, not with all the horrible thoughts floating about in my head.

I needed a break.

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