Chapter 39

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Heavily unedited.

Word count: 2879

Diego's POV


My foot carried me to and fro, a few steps forward and then a turn, and then a few steps in the other direction. My mind was a jumbled mess as I paced outside the room, my skin crawling agonizingly with each passing second.

It was all my fault.

There was no two ways about it, I deserved to be consumed by this much guilt.

Hailey sat on the chair behind me, her head in her hands while I couldn't even pretend to be calm enough to sit still.

I shouldn't have turned around to leave. But I'd only wanted to give her some space because she felt she didn't want to do 'that' with me, whatever that meant. She'd been in there for a food couple of minutes already and the nurses and doctor had been running tests and whatnot.

I wished they would tell us what was wrong with her already but I knew this things take time.

I shouldn't have come at all. I'd hurt her now. 

Guilt clamped over my shoulders in a vicelike grip once again and I blamed myself for doing this. What could have caused the bleeding? She'd never bled all over the place while on her period before.

The sight of the blood I'd seen on her when we were arguing made me shudder again in dread.

The doctor walked out after what felt like ages but was only about thirty something minutes.

"Doctor. What's wrong with her?" I asked just as Hailey appeared by my side.

"Are you a member of her family?" He asked me.

"Kind of." I nodded.

"Who exactly are you? I'd like to speak to her husband...if she's married."

"Yes. He's her boyfriend while I'm her mom." Hailey quickly told him.

"Okay. Please let's talk in my office." He told me solemnly and I took a huge gulp and followed him, wishing we could appear in his office already instead of walking all the way there.

The silence was agonizing. 

My heart was thumping wildly in my chest with each step we took closer to his office because I knew that was where the truth lay. Hailey was quietly sobbing beside me and this made me frown. She was beginning to scare me.

After getting into his office, I stared at him. "What's wrong doctor?"

"Please have a seat." He told us and Hailey sat. I was too tense to do so.

"I'd like to stand. Just tell me what's wrong with her. Is she okay now? What does she need?" I asked tensely, fearing his response.

"The patient has just suffered a miscarriage. She was a month and three weeks pregnant and suffered from-"

A penetrating silence echoed to a disturbing degree in my head as I stared at him while he just kept rambling out the details.

Hailey's sobs grew louder as she muttered, "I knew it. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I should've guessed earlier and told her to check. I should've asked her to check. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

I couldn't move.

I felt numb.

All I could see was Adrian's pale as sheet face as she groaned and cried while clutching her stomach, hunching in discomfort.

She had miscarriage...


What's miscarriage?

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