Chapter 43

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Word count: 3553


Adrian's POV


Diego didn't come home last night and I got to know that Amos didn't live here, he only came once in a while whenever Diego needed him to run some errands. I slept alone last night but the car keys I spotted on the kitchen table when I woke up was a telltale that Diego came back sometime in the middle of the night or early this morning.

My things arrived last night, because Diego got my address and had some people move my things over before he went out.

He didn't speak a single word to me as he picked his key few minutes ago and strode out.

I spent the day arranging my things and hoping I would be lucky enough to prolong my stay here long enough to rekindled our love once more.

Then I worked on two designs, sending them to my editor.

The grumbling of my stomach reminded me that I hadn't had anything to eat since yesterday afternoon. I got up and looked around.

The room on my left was bare except for a freezer that hadn't even been used at all judging from the wraps all over it.

I stepped out of it and walked into the next room. The kitchen. My lips parted in appreciation at what greeted my eyes.

The kitchen was beautifully decorated and properly equipped with so many kitchen equipments. I walked around in awe, eyeing the machine blender which was similar to the one we were using back in New York. But everything looked untouched, as if they'd never been used since he moved here.

The counter was dusty, and so were the plate racks, stew plate where he kept spoons and the knife stand.

Sighing, I looked around for rubber gloves and was glad when I came across one. Then I spent the next thirty minutes cleaning and rewashing the plates that'd probably never been used judging from the dust that settled on them.

My stomach grumbled again.

"I just remembered why I came in here." I chuckled and wiped my hands on a new napkin. Then I opened the fridge but frowned.

It was empty, except for the half empty bottle of chilled water inside.

There was nothing. No fruits or snacks.

I sighed in defeat and left the kitchen to change my clothes, knowing I'd have to make a quick trip to the market and also get some snacks. Then I'd order pizza when I got back, because I'd probably get hungry at midnight.

Since Amos wasn't at home and Diego would probably not pick my calls, I had no one to leave a message with except the security guard.

I got some fruits, snacks and foodstuff. Then I since I was in the mood, I decided that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to stop at the clothing store and get a garter and some matching underwear sets. Not like I'd be using the garter soon, but Diego always wanted to see me in one so I could at least buy it in memory of the sweet time we spent together.

However, if he ever caught me trying it on, I wouldn't beat myself up for it and neither could I beg not to shamelessly seduce him in that moment since I secretly wished that would one day happen...

Snapping out of my daydream, I drove back to his place. Just as I parked at the front of his condo, Amos rushed out with wide eyes and hurried over to my car, opening the door in a hurry.

"Ms Houston, are you alright?" He asked frantically.

With furrowed brows, I nodded and alighted. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be? What's wrong?"

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