Legolas -12-

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"It's not fair

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"It's not fair."

Aragorn raised an eyebrow and Boromir turned his attention to you as he took a sip of ale. You nodded at Legolas, standing nearby, and pouted.

"How is he so pretty?!"

Boromir failed at holding back his laughter and spat out his drink as Aragorn grinned and replied;

"He does so much else well, why wouldn't he be attractive? It 'comes with the package', as they say."

You nodded with a smirk and went back to your dinner- but you certainly didn't miss the wink the rightful heir to Gondor's throne shot his elven friend, nor how the latter mouthed back 'best wingman' in reply, and your smirk faded into a small but genuine smile.

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