Kili -6-

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A hobbitess, leaving the Shire and traveling all across Middle Earth on a quest that wasn't even her own? Completely unheard of

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A hobbitess, leaving the Shire and traveling all across Middle Earth on a quest that wasn't even her own? Completely unheard of. Must have been the bits of adventurous Took blood running through your veins. No matter why it happened, you were now on a long journey to the Lonely Mountain. Only a few weeks had passed, yet you had forged a strong connection with Kili, one of the youngest, handsomest dwarves in the Company. One evening, right after dinner, you sat close to the fire, wondering about the last few weeks as you gazed into the fire. Kili's voice suddenly snapped you out of your thoughts, asking what you saw in the fire that entranced you so much. He sat next to you, but you kept your gaze level on the flames and replied, quiet and serious;

"I see the future. A group of brave warriors, thirteen dwarves and one hobbit, stand tall and triumphant above Smaug's dead body. Oh, the tales that will be told of our heroism! We will live in the legends forevermore."

The content smile on Kili's face warmed your heart so much more than the campfire.

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