Lindir -2- (request)

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Lindir and Y/N had worked together under the king of Rivendell, Elrond, for many years now

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Lindir and Y/N had worked together under the king of Rivendell, Elrond, for many years now. Both seemed rather shy and awkward, mostly because they secretly found each other very attractive in the ways of the heart. Elrond had quickly noticed the unspoken feelings between his two advisors and urged both to say something to the other, but neither ever worked up the courage to- until one day, Elrond became sick of the secret and brought them both together, loudly declaring each's feelings for the other. Y/N and Lindir were very embarrassed, but also hopeful that what Elrond said was true- now if only either of you could spit out the words to ask.

"Do you- I, uh, sorry- love- well- I guess- me?"



(Requested by the spectacular hufflepuffturtle! Thanks so much, mellon!)

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