Legolas -7-

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A pack of wicked orcs had sieged the east border guards of Eryn Galen just this morning and you were furious, as your brother was cruelly murdered in the surprise attack

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A pack of wicked orcs had sieged the east border guards of Eryn Galen just this morning and you were furious, as your brother was cruelly murdered in the surprise attack. You grabbed your sword, daggers, and longbow, preparing for a long tracking mission. You were going to hunt down and kill each and every one of those monsters, no matter how long it took. Though you knew you would not be alone... your friend and prince, Legolas, rarely let you out of his sight nowadays, as each day more and more evil creatures dared to attack the forest kingdom.

He had unintentionally made it quite clear that he had strong feelings toward you, feelings that you returned, though hadn't spoken up about yet. You knew that, despite any obstacles, Legolas would follow you to the ends of the world- and so when he appeared behind you forty miles west from Eryn Galen, examining a pool of orc blood by a waterfall, you weren't at all surprised.

"You cannot hunt thirty orcs on your own."

"That is true. Yet, I knew I wouldn't be alone... See, this blood is still fresh- we may catch them before sundown if we are quick. Come."

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