Kili & Fili -3-

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You were a Baggins, the sister of Bilbo, and though you loved him very much, you saw him as a bit of a meek, boring brother

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You were a Baggins, the sister of Bilbo, and though you loved him very much, you saw him as a bit of a meek, boring brother. When Gandalf returned to the Shire after so many years away, offering promise of adventure and treasure, you jumped at the chance, while Bilbo shied away. Many adventures later, you were being chased through the tunnels of a great goblin kingdom, followed by the howls of fury at their king's death, courtesy of Gandalf. You stumbled over a stone at one point in the dark passage and fell to the ground, hitting your hand on something small and metal- but the Company did not realize and hurried swiftly on without you.

You stood up, wincing at the new scrapes in your knees, and examined the metal thing you'd smacked your hand on. It appeared to be a ring, and so you slipped it on and raced in the direction you saw your companions go. Eventually, you made your way outdoors, and hurried down the steep hill amidst clusters of trees. Just when it seemed like you would never find the others again, you stumbled upon them in a glade not too far from the goblin tunnels. You stood at the edge of the circle, panting, but Gandalf still suddenly called, "Where is our hobbit?" You waved, but it still seemed like no one saw you. 

How odd.

You glanced to your right and took note that Kili and Fili looking around for you much more worriedly than the others. Interesting. You pondered what to do, then hid behind a tree and slipped off the ring, dropping it in your pocket. When you walked into the circle this time, everyone appeared relieved- especially the Durin brothers, who seemed even overjoyed to see you safe.

"Sorry, got a bit behind. Tripped over a large stone. I'm here now, no damage done, and we should keep moving-"

"Lass, let us take a breather first!" Bombur cried, panting.

Kili frowned. "Hurry your breath, then. Y/N is right, we must be off-"

A howl went off in the nearby vicinity and everyone's face paled. Fili gulped and reached for your hand.

"Y/N let me carry you-"

"Thank you, but I can run perfectly fine on my own."

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