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"How many, then? How many dragons have you killed?"

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"How many, then? How many dragons have you killed?"

Bilbo Baggins looked shocked at the questions, but the elleth beside him, having to crouch to fit under his hobbit-size ceilings, gave a soft laugh. The entire group gathered in Bilbo's home turned their gaze to Y/N with questioning gazes and she patted her hobbit friend on the back.

"You misunderstand, Master Dwarf. Bilbo here is your burglar, the thief, from what I gather-"

"I have never stolen anything in my life!"

"-not your dragon-slayer. That, in fact, would be myself."

Gandalf's grin of surprise showed how delighted he was at this turn of events. The Company nearly went wild at this reveal, and even Bilbo was greatly surprised. The hobbit stared at the elleth, who had been his neighbor at Bag End all his life, and she scoffed merrily at his shock.

"You really thought I did nothing spectacular with my life before I settled in the Shire, Bilbo? A thousand years is a long time to while away."

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