Thorin Oakenshield -1-

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You were a dwarvess, living a hermit style life on the edge of the forest called Mirkwood, unbothered by the elves as long as you kept away from their kingdom deep in the woods

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You were a dwarvess, living a hermit style life on the edge of the forest called Mirkwood, unbothered by the elves as long as you kept away from their kingdom deep in the woods. You'd lived here ever since the devastation of Smaug in your lost home of Erebor, when you had fled the mountain kingdom and the demonic beast that now resided there. When a group of thirteen dwarves, one hobbit, and one wizard came knocking on your door in the dark forest, you weren't quite sure how they'd found you after all these years away from the rest of Middle Earth- or how they also knew exactly who you were. You gave a sharp gasp when their leader, a dark-haired dwarf with piercing blue eyes, called you by name and requested you join their Company to take back the Lonely Mountain. You sighed, lowered your head, and replied softly;

"What could I ever have to offer you? I am no swordswoman, nor a healer. What could I possibly provide to your noble Company to prove me worthy of the hope and companionship you give?"

Thorin Oakenshield's eyes seemed to glow with a steady determination in the firelight.

"Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that."

Hope swelled in your heart. Perhaps there was a chance of going home, to Erebor, once again. You raised your chin, held out your quill, dripping with black ink, and signed the contract.

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