Pippin Took -4-

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You lowered your head as you stooped, stubbornly blinking away tears

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You lowered your head as you stooped, stubbornly blinking away tears. The heroic hobbit standing before you had done what you could not, and because of his selfless actions, your only remaining brother had been saved from your father's delusions. As you knelt, you unclipped your sword in its sheath from your belt and offered the hilt of it to Peregrin Took, your head bowed parallel to the floor. After a few moments had passed and he had not taken the hilt, refusing your gesture of resignation, you looked up and he pushed your blade back toward you with a gentle hand.

"Please," you pleaded, the shame inside of you swelling, "I am not strong enough to protect my family. Tell me to leave this place, or leap from a cliff, I cannot live with myself knowing I failed."

Pippin reached out and clipped your sword back on your belt, then took your hands in his.

"I think you have strength of a different kind."

At his guidance, you stood, unable to hold back your tears this time, and you swore that you would protect him from here on out, until the end of your life.

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